Dramatic Irony Examples in Romeo and Juliet

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In the play Romeo and Juliet by Capulet and Friar Lawrence affect the dramatic and tragic ending and the plot of Romeo and Juliet, they made many irresponsible and nearsighted decisions that could have been avoided if they did not interfere with the relationship of the star-crossed lovers throughout the play. Capulet and Friar Lawrence had good intentions but were unaware that making these decisions would lead up to the devastating deaths of Romeo and Juliet and ruin their relationship with everyone because they chose each other over their family and friends.

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Capulet made many selfish decisions that majorly impacted the future life of Romeo and Juliet and which direction their lives were heading. Lord Capulet is the the patriarch of the Capulet family, father of Juliet, husband of Lady Capulet, and an enemy of Montague. In Verona Capulet throws a grand masquerade party for a tradition and to socialize. The serving man invites Montagues to the party unknowingly. During the party Tybalt recognizes that Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio are at the party and they are not Capulets. Tybalt is infuriated of the presence of Montagues at a Capulet’s party and tells Lord Capulet he will not tolerate their presence and asks to kill them or at least kick them out. Lord Capulet does not think Romeo and his friends are here to scorn the Capulets, so he tells Tybalt He shall be endured. What, Goodman boy! I say, he shall. Go to. Am I the master here, or you? Go to. You’ll not endure him! God shall mend my soul, you’ll make a mutiny among my guests. You will set cock-a-hoop (1.5.76-80).

If Capulet did not disagree with Tybalt and kicked Romeo out of his party, Romeo and Juliet would never meet each other and fall in love at first sight. Capulet loves his family and wants the best for them, especially wanting the best for Juliet throughout the play. Although he truly loves Juliet he will not let her have a voice or any opinions. Lord Capulet has a growing insistence that Juliet marry Paris and because she is already secretly married and loves Romeo, Juliet is not willing to marry anyone else. While Lady Capulet and Capulet are talking to Juliet about marrying Paris in her bedroom she immediately refuses but is very thankful for her parents to care about her and are proud of them. However, Capulet is furious that Juliet will not do as he wants so he says to her forcefully Thank me no thankings, nor proud me no prouds, but fettle your fine joints ‘gainst Thursday next. To go with Paris to Saint Peter’s Church, Or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither. Out, you green sickness, carrion! Out, you baggage! You tallow face (3.5.152-156). Capulet does not let her decide if she wanted to marry Paris, this forces her to find a hasty solution therefore, taking a large risk by following the plan Friar Lawrence has made for her. Their plan is very dangerous because if not completed perfectly Romeo and Juliet may never be reconciled but she consents to the plan because this is her last option other than killing herself. If Capulet never forced Juliet to marry someone she was not in love with the play’s ending would have been completely different. Juliet and Friar Lawrence could find a solution to the banishment of Romeo, separating them and in the end lived happily together as a married couple. They wouldn’t have to die just for the families to be in complete shock and realize that their ancient feud cannot continue. Capulet’s decisions mostly affected the play negatively and without his decisions Romeo and Juliet could have lived a much more peaceful life. Paragraph #2 topic sentence: Friar Lawrence made numerous impetuous decisions for Romeo and Juliet that he hoped would help the Capulet family and the Montague family stop their feud and violence.

All of the decisions he made were intended to help the couple, so deeply in love but none go as planned and make the ending of the play lamentable. Friar Lawrence is the person who marries Romeo and Juliet. This is one of the worst decisions he makes. He was dubious at first when Romeo asks if he will marry them. After he thought about it more Friar Lawrence makes a very dangerous risk by making a plan that could go terribly wrong. Hold, daughter. I do spy a kind of hope, Which craves as desperate an execution As that is desperate which we would prevent. If, rather than to marry County Paris, Thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself, Then is it likely thou wilt undertake A thing like death to chide away this shame (4.1.70-76) Juliet and Friar Lawrence thinks the plan will work if every step goes how they plan so they continue. He gives Juliet a vail with the potion and when she gets home she drinks it and falls into a deep sleep. Everyone thinks she died but he will send a letter to Romeo explaining there plan. As the friar’s warning to Romeo gets lost, Romeo kills himself because he believes Juliet to be dead, and when Juliet wakes, she kills herself upon discovery that Romeo is dead. If Friar Lawrence never told Juliet of this plan none of that could have happened.

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Dramatic Irony Examples in Romeo and Juliet. (2019, Apr 23). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/romeo-and-juliet-dramatic-irony/