Who is Responsible for Mercutio’s Death? Tragic Ending of Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo: A Key Contributor to the Tragedy

There is someone to blame for almost every bad situation in the world. Many people have different opinions when reading the play on who is to blame for the famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare. No one stands out as the apparent cause of his death. Many believe that Brother Lawrence, the Nurse, or even Romeo or Juliet are primarily responsible for the tragedy. For many reasons, People tend to blame some characters on others.

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Almost every character in the play contributed to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet in one way or another. So who is most to blame? Three characters are most responsible for the tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo himself is the first character to be blamed for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The first reason to blame Romeo is that he was not invited to the Capulet party. If Romeo didn’t go to the party, Romeo would never have met Juliet, and Tybalt would never know he was there. Another reason for Romeo. The conviction and the death of Juliet is that Romeo decides to avenge Mercutio’s death by killing Tybalt. Romeo should have been able to control his anger at Tybalt and not kill him. Romeo and Juliet could have run away together; However, Romeo kills Tybalt, causing Romeo to Deported from Verona. Finally, we can blame Romeo for committing suicide at the end of the play. Romeo could not recover from the fact that his love was dead. Romeo should have been able to control his anger and not kill himself. Romeo should have been able to at least think about his decision in the hope that it was not the best decision. In the end, if Romeo had taken longer to make his decisions, the tragedy might not have happened.

Brother Lawrence: The Inadvertent Catalyst

The character most to blame for the tragedy is Brother Lawrence. The first reason Brother Lawrence is to blame for the tragedy is that he married Romeo and Juliet. Knowing the possible consequences, the brother decides to marry Romeo and Juliet equally. Brother knows that for lovers of a quick marriage, there are many. There could be consequences, and he could be in a lot of trouble if both families find out that he has married both lovers. Because Romeo and Juliet are now married, their love for each other is even stronger, leading them to die at the end of the play. Found more reasons to commit suicide. Another reason Brother Lawrence is to blame is that he tells Juliet to take a sleeping potion. Brother does not think about what can go wrong by giving it to him. Brother should have thought more about his plan so that the plan would not fail. The final reason Brother Lawrence is guilty is that he could not bring a servant to tell Romeo that Juliet was not really dead. He employs many. He could have sent it at different times or went on his own to make sure Romeo got his message. In the end, Brother Lawrence should have made better decisions during the play to prevent tragedy from happening.

Tybalt: The One Who Killed Mercutio

Tybalt is the last character to be blamed for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The first reason Tybalt is blamed is because he was involved in the fight at the beginning of the play. He played a part in the families’ hatred of each other. The quarrel between the two families would not have been so difficult if each family member agreed to stop the fight. The next reason Tybalt is to blame is that he sees Romeo at the Capulet party and gets very mad. Tybalt threatened to kill him. Suppose Tybalt knew that Romeo Capulets had no. Romeo and Juliet could have survived if not harmed, and she was able to keep herself calm. The ultimate reason for blaming Tybalt for the tragedy is that he killed Mercutio. Tybalt didn’t need to kill Mercutio; it was completely unnecessary. Mercutio’s death drove Romeo to Verona, not allowing Romeo and Juliet to live together. In the end, Tybalt should have been able to control his anger and not be so cruel.

The Consequences: Who is Responsible for Mercutio’s Death?

In the end, people should care about who is to blame because someone should be punished for the death of Romeo and Juliet. At the end of the play, Prince Aesculus says: ‘Some will be forgiven, and others will be punished’. Two people should not die without punishing one Can. Many people go through a difficult time when someone dies. The person who causes difficult times for his family members should be punished for the actions he has done. Several wrong choices were made, which eventually led to the death of the star-crossed lovers. This tragedy could have been avoided if the characters of the play had given more thought to their decisions. No one will be blamed without it being a tragedy.

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Who is Responsible for Mercutio's Death? Tragic Ending of Romeo and Juliet. (2023, Aug 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/who-is-responsible-for-mercutios-death-tragic-ending-of-romeo-and-juliet/