Reflection about Dance: the Silent Stories Told through Movement

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Updated: Sep 04, 2023
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Dancing Beyond Entertainment

All along, I thought the dance was a staged performance for entertainment. I perceive dance as a mere series of physical movements coordinated in patterns in response to rhythm or music. I found it difficult to look beyond the sequence of steps and moves into the effect of factors such as costume, choreography, and performance in dance. I was interested in watching the videos on the Samoan Haka Rugby, the Buddha Thousand Hands dance, and the Georgian National Ballet.

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I have established the hidden message that comes with dance, after all. Dance can be an expression of celebration, protest, or support. Dance is attributed to incredible coordination and grace for effective message delivery.

The Language of Dance in Culture and Emotion

I was amazed by the coordination of art in ‘One Thousand Hands of Buddha Dance’ into a fantastic performance. The dancers executed the mudras in synchronization of the following movement. The genre of this dance is more ethnic and tribal because it heavily relies on the culture and religious beliefs of the Chinese people. The group of performers dresses dressed in cultural wear as costumes on stage. It is stunning to learn that some of these dancers rely on rhythm because they are deaf. It amazes me how they aesthetically move their hands in unison to create such an excellent and unbelievably beautiful performance. Their choreographers are fantastic.

The spine-tingling performance of the Haka dance by the Samoans is not something new for rugby lovers. The all-black team delivers an incredible version of their war dance. This is a famous sight to most rugby fans before every match the Samoans play. The war dance is mainly associated with intimidating the opponents before the game begins. Bearing less than the usual all-black sporting jerseys, the Samoans take control of the pitch with haunting war cries, which are succeeded by a shout, and the war dance kicks in.

The dance aesthetically sets a rivalry and tone for the entire match. This dance is of the racial and tribal genre because it is associated with the traditions of indigenous Maori people. It is aesthetic how the dance incorporates gestures, postures, and chants to bring out an unforgettable cultural experience. In a row, the dancers clout their chests in unison as they tramp their feet with loud thuds. The fury in their eyes and their tongues wagging out is enough communication of their mission in the match: destruction of opponents.


  1. Dance Association. (2021). The Essence and Evolution of Dance as an Art Form. Dance Publications.
  2. Liu, W. (2019). The One Thousand Hands of Buddha Dance: Culture, Performance, and Meaning. Chinese Cultural Studies Journal, 15(3), 25-40.
  3. RugbyWorld. (2022). The Haka: A Dance of War and Tradition. Rugby World Magazine.
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Reflection About Dance: The Silent Stories Told Through Movement. (2023, Sep 04). Retrieved from