Rebellion in Serenity, a Science Fiction Movie

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Updated: Aug 18, 2023
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“Serenity” is a science fiction movie that tells the story of the crew aboard the spacecraft ‘Serenity’ and a pair of siblings who discover the secret of the Alliance’s rule and resist it. Although the movie is named ‘Serenity’, this is an irony expressed in the plot of the movie. There is no absolute serenity and peace in the world. What a serene world needs is a ruler who can provide a free and happy land for everyone. This is a common goal for all.

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So, if someone jeopardizes this goal, the world needs a rebel against it, even if it means rebelling against the ruler. In other words, rebellion is not always a bad thing.

In the background of the movie, humans are in a dangerous situation in the future because of the loss of Earth. In most cases, people will be trapped by identity tags. For example, the crew in the movie makes a living by smuggling and theft, which seem to be negative characteristics. Meanwhile, the ruler is a heroic character in the background because they can lead the wandering humans. They are the people’s cohesion and hope. However, as the ruler, the alliance did not exert the true value of a leader that would establish a perfect new world. Instead, it created a death planet to maintain its own power through some cruel means. For the rebels of this event, they are positive characters, even if they carry some negative labels. Therefore, for the major issues of principle, we should not focus on identity but the nature of the event.

This movie has become a reflection on the necessity of order and chaos, the pursuit of perfection, and crime. The confrontation of the rebels is against conspiracy and evil. They do not believe in the Alliance’s propaganda and do not accept the Alliance’s salute; they save those lives trampled down by the Alliance and fight for their freedom and faith. However, the most important thing is to pursue your inner faith, which is also the true meaning of rebellion. The psychic female killer believes in everything the Alliance tells her: the Alliance is fighting for a perfect world. Her belief is that perfect world, and she is willing to die for it. The crew on the spaceship also find their faith: that is to tell the truth to the people of the universe. In this case, the faith of the Alliance, built on lies, is worth resisting. It is destined to challenge the central authorities, who are the only rulers with many supporters. Rebels who dare to challenge authority are the real heroes that fight for faith. This is exactly the rebellion that this world truly needs.

It is indeed difficult to fight against authority. We’re seeing a rise in authoritarianism around the globe, but as long as people maintain the faith in justice, confrontation will eventually win. Like the black knight of the alliance in the movie, he chose to fight the ruler together after realizing the truth. The most important thing is that everyone sticks to the right belief and works hard to protect it. Rebellion is the best guardian.

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Rebellion In Serenity, A Science Fiction Movie. (2022, Aug 17). Retrieved from