Pharmacy Technician: Bridging the Gap in Healthcare Delivery

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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The healthcare world is pretty complicated, with lots of different professionals working together to help patients get the best care. Pharmacy technicians are a big part of this team. They usually work behind the scenes, helping pharmacists make sure patients get the right medicines and that everything in the pharmacy runs smoothly. But, people don’t always notice how important their job is. Let’s talk about why pharmacy techs are so crucial, what they do, how they train, and why we need more of them as healthcare keeps changing.

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Responsibilities and Scope of Practice

Pharmacy techs work in all sorts of places like hospitals, drug stores, and nursing homes. Their jobs are pretty varied, from handling paperwork to talking directly with patients. Mostly, they help pharmacists by getting meds ready, keeping track of stock, and updating patient records. One study even said they do about 75% of the dispensing work in hospitals (Desselle, 2016).

Plus, they’re often the first person a patient talks to at the pharmacy. They give out important info about how to use meds and what side effects to look out for. This is super important because messing up meds can be a big problem. The Institute of Medicine says that at least 1.5 million people in the U.S. get hurt by medication errors every year (Institute of Medicine, 2006). Pharmacy techs help catch these mistakes by double-checking prescriptions and doses.

Training and Certification

Training to be a pharmacy tech isn’t the same everywhere. In the U.S., it changes from state to state. Usually, you’d need to go through a formal program, which could take a few months to two years, ending in a diploma or an associate degree. These courses cover stuff like drug basics, pharmacy laws, and ethics, along with hands-on skills like mixing meds and using pharmacy software.

Getting certified is also a big deal. In the U.S., two main groups offer certification: the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) and the National Healthcareer Association (NHA). To get certified, you usually have to pass a test that checks your knowledge and skills. The PTCB says that certified techs not only know more but also have better job options and pay (PTCB, 2021).

Also, because new meds and tech keep coming out, pharmacy techs need to keep learning. They often have to earn continuing education credits to keep their certification. This ongoing learning helps them stay up-to-date and continue giving great care.

The Growing Need for Pharmacy Technicians

We’re needing more and more pharmacy techs for a few reasons. First, as people live longer, they need more meds. The U.S. Census Bureau says that by 2030, all baby boomers will be over 65, making up about one in five people (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018). This means more prescriptions and more work for pharmacy techs.

Second, healthcare services are expanding, and new meds are coming out all the time. As pharmacists start doing more clinical work like giving vaccines and managing medication therapies, they rely more on techs to handle the usual dispensing jobs. This shift lets pharmacists focus more on patient care, which is good for everyone.

Lastly, the COVID-19 pandemic showed just how important pharmacy techs are. They played a key role in COVID testing and vaccinations at many pharmacies. This highlighted how adaptable and essential they are in public health.


Pharmacy technicians are vital to healthcare, doing essential work that lets pharmacists focus on patients. Their wide range of tasks helps keep pharmacies running safely and efficiently. With the right training and certification, they’re ready to take on the challenges of this ever-changing field. As healthcare evolves, pharmacy techs will be even more important. Recognizing and supporting their work can improve the quality of care, benefiting patients and the community as a whole.


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Pharmacy Technician: Bridging the Gap in Healthcare Delivery. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from