Parasite: Movie Review

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"Parasite," directed by Bong Joon-ho, is a film that transcends the conventional boundaries of cinema, offering an incisive critique of socio-economic disparities. Released in 2019, this South Korean masterpiece garnered international acclaim, including the prestigious Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and four Academy Awards, including Best Picture. The narrative revolves around the Kim family, who cunningly infiltrate the affluent Park household, setting the stage for a darkly comedic yet profoundly unsettling exploration of class conflict. The film's brilliance lies not only in its storytelling but also in its ability to weave together various cinematic elements such as cinematography, symbolism, and genre-blending, creating a multifaceted commentary on modern society.

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This essay delves into the intricacies of "Parasite," examining its thematic depth, directorial prowess, and societal implications, while also addressing critiques that question its narrative choices.

Thematic Depth and Symbolism

"Parasite" is a film replete with thematic depth, most notably its exploration of class disparity and social mobility. Bong Joon-ho employs a host of symbols to underscore these themes, with the semi-basement apartment of the Kim family serving as a poignant metaphor for their marginalized existence. The verticality in the film's setting—from the Kims' subterranean dwelling to the Parks' opulent mansion atop a hill—visually represents the socio-economic chasm separating the two families. As noted by film critic Manohla Dargis, "Bong uses architecture to express the division and divide between the haves and have-nots" (Dargis, 2019). The recurring motif of staircases further accentuates this divide, symbolizing the arduous and often futile climb towards economic prosperity.

Furthermore, the film's title itself is a metaphorical commentary on the parasitic relationship between social classes. The Kims infiltrate the Park household, initially appearing as the eponymous parasites. However, as the narrative unfolds, the role of the true parasite becomes ambiguous. The Parks, despite their wealth, rely heavily on the labor and services of the less fortunate, suggesting a symbiotic dependency. This duality challenges the audience's preconceived notions of morality and culpability, prompting introspection on the systemic forces that perpetuate inequality. The film's rich symbolism and thematic complexity invite viewers to question societal structures and their impact on individual lives.

Directorial Prowess and Cinematic Techniques

Bong Joon-ho's directorial prowess is evident in his masterful use of cinematic techniques that enhance the storytelling in "Parasite." One of the standout features is the film's genre-blending, seamlessly transitioning from comedy to thriller to horror, keeping the audience constantly engaged and on edge. This fluidity is achieved through meticulous pacing and tonal shifts, as observed by critic Justin Chang, who remarks, "Bong orchestrates these shifts with a maestro's touch, crafting a film that is as unpredictable as it is unforgettable" (Chang, 2019). The film's ability to defy genre conventions is a testament to Bong's innovative approach to filmmaking.

Cinematography plays a crucial role in elevating the film's narrative. Cinematographer Hong Kyung-pyo employs a dynamic visual style, utilizing wide-angle shots and precise framing to create a sense of space and entrapment. The stark contrast between the Kims' cramped quarters and the Parks' expansive home is accentuated through lighting and color palettes, reinforcing the socio-economic divide. Moreover, the film's sound design and score, composed by Jung Jae-il, complement the visual elements, heightening tension and emotional impact. Bong's meticulous attention to detail and ability to synergize various cinematic elements culminate in a visually and aurally captivating experience.

Societal Implications and Counter-Arguments

"Parasite" offers a compelling commentary on the pervasive issue of class inequality, resonating with audiences worldwide. The film's depiction of social stratification is not limited to South Korea but reflects a universal struggle, prompting discussions on wealth distribution, labor exploitation, and the illusion of meritocracy. Scholar Jihoon Kim articulates, "Bong's film exposes the fragility of capitalism and the dire consequences of unchecked economic disparity" (Kim, 2020). Such critiques emphasize the film's relevance in contemporary discourse, urging viewers to reflect on their societal roles and responsibilities.

However, some critics argue that "Parasite" oversimplifies complex socio-economic issues by portraying characters in binary terms—victims and oppressors—without delving into the intricacies of individual agency and systemic change. This perspective suggests that the film's narrative may inadvertently reinforce stereotypes rather than challenge them. Nevertheless, Bong Joon-ho's intent is not to provide solutions but to provoke dialogue and introspection. By highlighting the stark realities of class conflict, "Parasite" serves as a catalyst for societal reflection and potential change, encouraging viewers to question the status quo and consider alternative futures.


In conclusion, "Parasite" stands as a cinematic tour de force, seamlessly blending storytelling, symbolism, and technical artistry to deliver a thought-provoking analysis of class disparity. Bong Joon-ho's directorial vision, coupled with the film's thematic richness, challenges audiences to confront uncomfortable truths about societal structures and their impact on human lives. While critiques of the film's narrative simplifications exist, they do not detract from its overall impact and significance. "Parasite" not only entertains but also enlightens, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of contemporary cinema. As viewers continue to engage with its multifaceted narrative, the film's legacy as a poignant social commentary endures, inspiring introspection and dialogue on the pressing issues of our time.

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Parasite: Movie Review. (2024, Dec 27). Retrieved from