Owl Eyes in the Great Gatsby: a Symbol of Perception and Truth

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Updated: Dec 22, 2023
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Owl Eyes in the Great Gatsby: a Symbol of Perception and Truth

This essay delves into the symbolic significance of the character Owl Eyes in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby.” Although a minor figure, Owl Eyes plays a crucial role in revealing the novel’s central themes of illusion versus reality and the emptiness of the American Dream. The essay explores his notable scene in Gatsby’s library, where his surprise at finding real books among the façade underscores a rare moment of authenticity in a world of pretenses. Furthermore, it examines Owl Eyes’ presence at Gatsby’s sparsely attended funeral, highlighting the superficiality and transient nature of the relationships within the upper class. The choice of the name “Owl Eyes” is also analyzed for its symbolism, connecting to wisdom and insight, which contrasts with the self-deception and denial prevalent among the main characters. Through Owl Eyes, Fitzgerald crafts a subtle yet poignant critique of the 1920s society, using him as a vehicle to convey the deeper truths and realities behind the glittering surface of the Roaring Twenties. The essay concludes that Owl Eyes serves as a beacon of perception in a narrative deeply concerned with the deceptive allure of the American Dream. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with The Great Gatsby.

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In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby,” minor characters often hold significant symbolic value, contributing to the novel’s rich tapestry of themes and motifs. Among these characters is Owl Eyes, a bespectacled man encountered in Gatsby’s library, who offers a deeper insight into the novel’s exploration of illusion versus reality. This essay examines the character of Owl Eyes and his symbolic role in the narrative, highlighting how Fitzgerald uses him to comment on perception, truth, and the elusive nature of the American Dream.

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Owl Eyes appears briefly in the novel, yet his presence is striking. He is found marveling at the authenticity of Gatsby’s books in his library, impressed that they are real and not just for show. This moment is significant; it stands out in a setting where appearances are often deceptive, and facades are commonplace. Gatsby’s mansion, filled with partygoers and opulence, represents the grandeur and illusion of the American Dream. Owl Eyes’ observation cuts through this illusion, suggesting that there is more to Gatsby than meets the eye. He symbolizes a moment of clarity in the midst of the pervasive superficiality of the Roaring Twenties.

Moreover, Owl Eyes’ presence at Gatsby’s funeral is equally telling. Among the throngs of people who frequented Gatsby’s lavish parties, Owl Eyes is one of the few who pays his respects, highlighting the shallowness of the upper-class society that Gatsby longed to be a part of. This scene is crucial as it underscores the novel’s critique of the hollowness of the American Dream. Owl Eyes, who saw beyond the facade of Gatsby’s library, also sees the tragic reality of his death – a lonely end to a life spent in pursuit of an unattainable dream.

Fitzgerald’s use of the name ‘Owl Eyes’ is also laden with symbolism. Owls are often associated with wisdom and perception. In a novel where characters grapple with the illusions they create and the truths they avoid, Owl Eyes represents a figure who sees things as they are. His ability to discern the real from the fake in Gatsby’s library serves as a metaphor for his ability to see the essential truths behind the glittering surface of the society Fitzgerald portrays.

In conclusion, while Owl Eyes is a minor character in “The Great Gatsby,” his symbolic importance is significant. Through the clarity of his perception and his presence in pivotal moments, he serves as a lens through which the reader can understand the central themes of the novel. Owl Eyes reflects the rare moments of truth in a world dominated by illusion, offering a glimpse into the true nature of Gatsby’s life and the society he aspired to belong to. In a narrative deeply concerned with the deceptive allure of the American Dream, Owl Eyes stands out as a beacon of insight, reminding readers to look beyond appearances to find the underlying reality.

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Owl Eyes in The Great Gatsby: A Symbol of Perception and Truth. (2023, Dec 22). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/owl-eyes-in-the-great-gatsby-a-symbol-of-perception-and-truth/