Maurice: the Unsung Catalyst in “Beauty and the Beast”

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Updated: Oct 16, 2023
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The tale of “Beauty and the Beast” has been told and retold countless times. At its core, it’s a love story, an exploration of looking beyond appearances to discover true worth. While the primary characters, Belle and the Beast, naturally command much of the narrative’s attention, it is the often-overlooked character of Maurice – Belle’s father – who plays a pivotal role in shaping the story’s trajectory.

Maurice is introduced to us as an eccentric inventor, seemingly lost in his own world of gadgets and gizmos.

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However, this initial perception belies the depth of his character. His role transcends that of the archetypal doting father. Maurice’s actions, albeit inadvertently, propel the story into motion, setting the stage for the transformative journey of both Belle and the Beast.

One of the initial acts that highlights Maurice’s significance is his venture into the forbidden forest. This seemingly simple act of wandering, caused partly by his curious nature and partly by fate, leads him to the Beast’s castle. It’s this unintentional trespassing that intertwines the destinies of Belle and the Beast. Were it not for Maurice’s capture by the Beast, Belle would not have had a reason to venture to the castle, and the central love story would never have commenced.

Maurice’s character is also crucial in highlighting the contrast between the Beast’s world and that of the village. The villagers, including the boisterous Gaston, see Maurice as a mad old man, dismissing his tales of a monstrous Beast and a living castle. This skepticism underscores the prevalent close-mindedness, setting the stage for Belle’s own battles against societal expectations and prejudices. Maurice’s experiences act as a mirror, reflecting the larger theme of the story – the constant tension between appearance and reality.

Furthermore, Maurice’s unwavering love for his daughter is instrumental in humanizing the Beast. It is through witnessing the genuine concern and selflessness of a father for his child that the Beast begins to experience empathy and kindness. This budding humanity within the Beast plays a critical role in his eventual transformation, both internally and externally.

Towards the end of the tale, Maurice’s role comes full circle. His attempts to rescue Belle, and later his pleas to the villagers, showcase his unwavering courage and love. These acts, while not central to the love story, emphasize the overarching theme of the narrative: that love, in its various forms, has the power to transform and heal.

In conclusion, while the enchanting journey of Belle and the Beast takes center stage in “Beauty and the Beast,” it is essential to recognize the characters that function as the story’s pillars. Maurice, with his quirks, bravery, and boundless love, is the unsung catalyst driving the tale forward. His actions, directly and indirectly, shape the narrative, reminding us that often, in stories and in life, it’s the characters in the background who hold the power to change the course of destiny.

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Maurice: The Unsung Catalyst in "Beauty and the Beast". (2023, Oct 16). Retrieved from