Matt Lauer : the Characteristics of a Modern Day Tragic Hero

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Updated: Apr 29, 2024
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Matt Lauer : the Characteristics of a Modern Day Tragic Hero

This essay about Matt Lauer as a modern-day tragic hero explores the timeless literary concept of the tragic hero and applies it to the life and career of the former “Today” show co-host. It highlights how Lauer’s public persona of trust and charisma hid a fatal flaw, leading to a dramatic fall from grace amidst allegations of misconduct. The narrative serves as a mirror to the complexities of human nature, emphasizing the dichotomy between public virtues and private vices. By examining Lauer’s downfall, the essay invites reflection on themes of morality, accountability, and the nuanced nature of heroism in contemporary society. It concludes by considering the broader implications of Lauer’s story for understanding the fragile balance between personal flaws and professional achievements, suggesting that the archetype of the tragic hero remains relevant in modern narratives.

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The idea of a tragic hero is one of those character archetypes in literature that has a profound impact on the narrative and its readership. This persona, who is frequently surrounded with respect and grandeur, is doomed to fall from grace due to a fatal fault or an error. Such characters’ trajectories serve as a mirror to the human condition, highlighting the intricate interaction between virtue, vice, and fate, in addition to inspiring empathy. It becomes fascinating to apply this ageless paradigm to modern individuals as we negotiate the boundaries of contemporary tales, especially those whose lives are being portrayed in public.

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Matt Lauer is one such person who eloquently personifies the traits of a tragic hero of the current era.

Lauer’s story is one that unfolded before millions, on the bright and early sets of morning television. With a career spanning over two decades as a co-host on NBC’s “Today” show, Lauer was a familiar presence in American living rooms, symbolizing trust, charisma, and reliability. His rise to prominence was not merely a testament to his journalistic acumen but also to his ability to connect with the audience on a personal level. However, beneath the veneer of success and respectability lurked a tragic flaw, a harbinger of his impending downfall.

The essence of a tragic hero’s narrative is not just in their rise but significantly in their fall, which is precipitated by a hamartia, or a fatal flaw. For Lauer, this flaw was manifested in the form of misconduct and behaviors unbefitting of his public persona and professional ethics. In 2017, his illustrious career came to an abrupt end amidst allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace. This revelation not only cost him his job but also his reputation, marking a precipitous fall from grace that is characteristic of tragic heroes.

What makes Lauer’s story particularly poignant in the context of a modern-day tragic hero is not just his downfall, but the complex interplay of factors that led to it. Tragic heroes are not villains; they are fundamentally good individuals who are undone by their flaws. In Lauer’s case, his contributions to journalism and his role in many charitable endeavors stand in stark contrast to the actions that led to his fall. This duality is at the heart of the tragic hero’s journey, inviting reflection on the nature of flaw and redemption, and the fine line between virtue and vice.

Moreover, the tragic hero’s story is incomplete without the catharsis it evokes in the audience. It serves as a cautionary tale, prompting introspection and a reevaluation of morals and ethics, both personal and societal. Lauer’s downfall, played out in the court of public opinion and the media, invites a broader discourse on power dynamics, accountability, and the consequences of one’s actions. It forces the audience to confront uncomfortable truths about heroes and idols, reminding us that they, too, are fallible and subject to the same moral laws that govern us all.

In conclusion, the narrative of Matt Lauer, when viewed through the lens of a tragic hero, offers a rich tapestry for exploration and understanding. It is a reflection of the times we live in, where the stories of public figures are intricately woven into the fabric of our collective consciousness. While the archetype of the tragic hero hails from the annals of ancient literature, its relevance endures, providing insights into the human condition and the perennial struggle between virtue and flaw. Lauer’s story, with its complex layers of success, flaw, downfall, and the ensuing moral quandary, exemplifies the enduring nature of the tragic hero in the modern era. It serves as a reminder that the themes of classical tragedies are not confined to the distant past but continue to unfold in the narratives of today’s heroes, both on and off the screen.

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Matt Lauer : The Characteristics Of A Modern Day Tragic Hero. (2024, Apr 29). Retrieved from