Marita’s Bargain: an Analysis

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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In Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers: The Story of Success, there’s a really interesting story about a young girl named Marita. She makes a big choice to go to KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program) Academy. This essay is gonna dig into “Marita’s Bargain” and what it means for education, moving up in society, and the power of having a chance. By looking at Marita’s experience, we can see how special programs can help close the gap between rich and poor and give everyone a shot at success.

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Success Beyond Talent: The Role of Opportunities

Marita’s story really stands out in Outliers because it shows one of Gladwell’s main points: success isn’t just about being talented. It’s also about having chances and advantages over time. Marita comes from a low-income family and had lots of challenges that could have stopped her from doing well in school and life. But KIPP Academy gave her a chance with a structured environment, better school resources, and a tough curriculum that her local public schools didn’t have. KIPP has longer school hours, weekend classes, and even summer sessions. These help stop the “summer slide”—that’s when kids forget stuff over summer break, especially if they don’t have access to learning activities.

“Marita’s Bargain” is like a trade. Marita gives up her free time, hanging out with friends, and even time with family to follow KIPP Academy’s tough schedule. In return, she gets a good education and a chance at a better future. Some people don’t like this and say it puts too much pressure on kids and takes away a normal childhood. But others think that for kids like Marita, the other option is staying stuck in poverty with few chances. By taking the bargain, Marita has a shot to escape her tough background.

Gladwell uses Marita’s story to show bigger issues in education. The KIPP model shows that with the right support, kids from poor backgrounds can do just as well as, or even better than, kids from richer families. This makes us think about how we spread out educational resources and what role public policy should play in fixing unfairness in the system. Shouldn’t all kids get the kind of support and tough schooling that KIPP offers? If yes, what needs to change to make that happen? These questions go beyond Marita and look at the big changes needed to make things fairer.

Also, “Marita’s Bargain” makes us think about how we view education and success in different cultures. In richer areas, success is often easy to get, backed by lots of resources like private tutors and after-school activities. Marita’s story shows how much effort and dedication kids from poor backgrounds need to reach the same success. This difference highlights the hidden barriers many students face. It also makes us rethink what a fair educational system should look like.


In the end, “Marita’s Bargain” shows how having a chance can change lives and how important education is for moving up in society. Marita’s choice to go to KIPP Academy is more than just giving up some personal stuff; it shows how targeted educational programs can level the playing field. While KIPP has its problems and critics, it offers a good way to understand how we can help disadvantaged students. By fixing the unfairness in our education system, we can create a world where success is based on hard work and dedication, not just on how much money your family has. Marita’s story reminds us that with the right opportunities, any student can succeed.

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Marita's Bargain: An Analysis. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from