Marilyn Frye’s Oppression

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Marilyn Frye’s Oppression

This essay will discuss Marilyn Frye’s concept of oppression. It will delve into her analysis of social structures and systemic barriers that maintain inequality and discrimination. The piece will explore Frye’s feminist perspective and its relevance to understanding different forms of oppression in society. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Critical Theory.

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Marilyn Frye is a notable American philosopher and feminist theorist. She is known for her work on sexism, racism, oppression, and seuality. Her writings are widely regarded as offering exceptionally clear, compelling, and insightful discussions of key feminist topics. Throughout the history of society and currently, many people are oppressed. The system in current times subject certain people to standards and as this may be true,it may not be abided to oppression. Many times people try to dismiss those who are actually oppressed.

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Marilyn Frye writes about those who are oppressed and in which ways they are. the ideal of those are oppressed are those who are held back or as frye states ‘caught between barriers’.

People think because they’re going through a difficult time or are miserably oppressed, which isn’t true. Frye uses the bird cage to explain how people see and understand oppression. They might not understand if someone close up could see the whole picture. There’s no winning for them. For example, take a women in a professional setting, if she was to be kind, nice, and often generous, people would take her as easy going and laid back. That may result as people, like men, seeing a women as (not mature, polite, and honest) and not taking things serious. On the other hand if a women was strict, always serious and focused on work, men may see this as being stuck up or bossy and then would not want to work with her.

This could also be known as double bind, whereas there’s no easy way and a form of bad mistreatment to women. There is no ‘right way’ to act and women could be held back in any situation especially in a male ruled-over time in history. Many do not believe that people mostly women are oppressed. People have very different views on how oppression can affect someone. Women are often seen as to be grateful for what they get in a system where its unfit for them. In a system where men are superior and in their favor. Men don’t understand the unfairness of how women are being treated or mistreated in a system they don’t experience these problems. Take working for as an example, people say women are “not oppressed”because women have the right to work. But to women its oppression because they get paid less money for working the same job with the same hours.

Or just the women aren’t taken seriously at the workplace and dont have the same opportunities as men do to move up through the ladders. This is considered oppression. Oppression exist in all types of forms and doesn’t just apply for women. People think oppression stops for someone once you obtain the basic right you deserve and were looking for. Frye states that someone rich may be oppressed because they were slight miserable for a certain time. They are not oppressed because they do not face the same hardships. Verse some who is poor in great pain and cant get help because money wise they cant.

The poor and rich person have the same basic rights to get help regardless of wealth. You could say a poor person in is oppressed. Many people are oppressed while others may not think so because of their lack of acknowledgement or experience. Theres is no way you can dismiss the real facts of how other people are help back because you think they got all of what they deserve.if there is a higher standard that certain people can not reach because they are compared to people then its unjust and just unfair. There is not hiding from it OPPRESSION is real and it’s not going anywhere.

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Marilyn Frye's Oppression. (2022, Feb 07). Retrieved from