Main Issues of Women’s Rights

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GENERAL PURPOSE: To Educate/To Inform

SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To inform my audience on the differences in women’s rights between the United States and Middle Eastern countries.

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CENTRAL IDEA: The United States and Middle Eastern countries differ greatly when it comes to women’s rights, and the view/treatment of women in society.

VISUAL AIDS: Powerpoint Slides


(Greeting/Name) Thank you, the previous presenter, for the lovely introduction. Good morning everyone, my name is Emily Parker and I am here to inform you on the differences in women’s rights, as well as the treatment, view, and roles of women in the United States vs the Middle Eastern countries.

(Attention Getter) In Iran, all of us women in the room would be arrested at this very moment for not covering up our skin and covering our heads and faces. If us girls lived in Pakistan, we would most likely not be in school, for Pakistan is the second-highest country in the world to have girls out of school, unable to receive an education. In Afghanistan, 6 out of 11 of us girls would have been married before we were 16 years old.

(Relevancy Statement) We are a time where many women in the modern-day feminist movement in the United States are heard and seen to frequently say, “I am oppressed.” By looking at other middle eastern countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, we can see that women in these middle eastern countries face very extreme oppression that is very different than the United States.

(Reveal Topic) I will cover three topics of contrast between Middle Eastern countries and the United States: Dress Code/Attire; Marriage; Education.

(MP1) Dress code and attire for women is very different between the culture of Middle Eastern countries and the United States.

(SP1) Dress Code is a topic often referred to the school systems in the United States, whereas Middle Eastern countries like Iran, dress code pertains to everyday attire.

(SP2) In the United States, it is common for schools to require students to cover their stomachs, shoulders, and cleavage.

(SP3) According to “Anthropology of the Middle East” which I accessed on 24 October, states that the strict Islamic dress code is to serve as “a method of control and disciple over women’s bodies and sexualities.” Iranian women are instructed to cover their heads with a scarf, and cover themselves with a long coat/ tunic over their regular clothes.

(SP4) If an American student violates dress code, they either get written up by the school, detention, or sent home to change clothes. Whereas in Iran, according to “Women Dress, and Sexuality In Iran” those who do not follow their dress codes, are severely punished and gain a social stigma within their community.

(MP2) Marriage in Middle East is usually not done over love for another, and women generally do not get to choose who to marry. Whereas women in the United States may divorce and marry as they please.

(SP 1) According to the Australian National Data Service in which I accessed on Tuesday October 23rd, Data shows that almost 0 percent of young girls in the country of Afghanistan are married before they turn 16 years old.

(SP 2) Whereas in the United States, based on a statista graph I was able to access on that same day the data showed that 6.94% of American women got married for their first time when they were under the age of 20 years.

(MP3) Education is definitely something taken for granted here in the United States, for in countries like Pakistan, women are still working towards receiving a proper education.

(SP 1)  In October 2012, a Pakistani girl named Malala, was on her way to school in a bus as she was shot by an fundamentalist Islamic terrorist group, the Taliban. The Taliban had previously threatened her and told her to not go to school, for the Taliban strictly enforce no education for females.

(SP 2) According to ( In the span of 2 years between 2007 and 2015, the Taliban attacked 867 schools inside the Middle Eastern country of  Pakistan because they either “taught science or educated girls.”

(SP 3) In the United States however, it is required by law to send children whether it be male or female to school in order to receive an education.

(SP4) According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 11.2 million females attended college this 2018 fall, whereas there were 8.7 million males.

Summary Statement: Women’s rights in the Middle East is greatly behind the United States and it’s treatment/ view/ rights for women. Through data, statistics, and stories, we are able to reflect on the country we live in and be able to compare the events taking place in the Middle East involving women’s rights to the US lifestyle.

Memorable Thought: We need to continue to monitor and educate ourselves on the advancement of women’s rights in different countries other than our own. For we sometimes forget that there are other countries like the Middle Eastern region in which have not advanced far at all, and have a long way to go.


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Main Issues Of Women's Rights. (2019, Oct 21). Retrieved from