Joan of Arc: the Remarkable Story of a Medieval Peasant Girl who Changed History

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Updated: May 12, 2024
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Joan of Arc: the Remarkable Story of a Medieval Peasant Girl who Changed History

This essay about Joan of Arc examines the life and legacy of the young peasant girl who became a pivotal figure in the Hundred Years’ War. It discusses how Joan, inspired by religious visions, led French troops to key victories, notably lifting the siege of Orléans, and played a crucial role in the coronation of Charles VII. Her subsequent capture, trial, and execution by the English and their allies transformed her into a martyr. The essay highlights her posthumous exoneration and canonization, emphasizing her impact not just on French history but as a universal symbol of courage and faith. Joan’s story illustrates how profound conviction can lead to extraordinary changes in the course of history.

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An iconic name throughout history, Joan of Arc conjures up visions of a young peasant girl who emerged from obscurity to play a pivotal role in the Hundred Years’ War between France and England. Her narrative is one of bravery, faith, and an unwavering will to expel foreign intruders from French territory. This article explores the noteworthy deeds and historical significance of Joan of Arc, a woman whose life continues to inspire people all across the world.

In the tiny French town of Domrémy in the northeast, Joan was born in 1412.

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Joan saw visions at an early age amid the chaos of the war and the national divisions inside her own country. Saints Michael, Catherine, and Margaret, she said, had given her the order to stand by Charles VII and assist him in taking back his legitimate kingdom from the occupying English army and their Burgundian allies.

Joan’s convictions drove her to approach Charles VII at the age of 16, despite the monarch’s initial skepticism about the claims of this peasant child. But he was persuaded of Joan’s veracity by her persistent persistence and her thorough knowledge of a military reversal at the Battle of Rouvray, which she could not have known otherwise. Charles gave Joan a small army, and she led a valiant campaign that would prove to be the turning point in the battle while she was clad in armor.

One of her most well-known campaigns was the siege of Orléans in 1429. After several days of fierce combat, Joan’s presence energized the French forces, and her leadership was crucial in removing the siege. This crucial victory validated Charles VII’s claim to the throne and raised French spirits. Because of her part in this military victory, Joan became well-known and became a symbol of hope and resistance for the French people.

Following Orléans, Joan’s influence helped lead to the coronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reims, fulfilling one of the missions she claimed her visions demanded. Her role during this period was not just as a military leader but also as a moral and spiritual figure who united a fragmented nation under a common cause.

However, Joan’s story takes a tragic turn after her capture in 1430 by Burgundian forces during an attack at Compiègne. Transferred to the English, she was tried for charges including heresy and cross-dressing—a military necessity she adopted for personal safety. The trial was notoriously biased, and despite her assertive defense, Joan was condemned and burnt at the stake in Rouen in 1431, at just 19 years old. Her execution was meant to end her influence, but it only cemented her status as a martyr.

Remarkably, Joan’s death was not the end but a beginning. In 1456, a posthumous retrial cleared her of all charges, rehabilitating her image as a devout and patriotic leader of France. She was canonized as a saint in 1920 by the Roman Catholic Church, not just for her role in the war but for her unwavering faith and moral conviction.

Joan of Arc’s legacy is profound. She altered the course of the Hundred Years’ War, shifting its momentum back to the French. Her leadership style, characterized by a unique blend of visionary spiritualism and pragmatic military strategies, has been studied in military academies as well as in academic circles analyzing medieval history and gender studies.

Joan of Arc remains an enigmatic figure; a peasant girl with no military training who led an army to victory and changed the destiny of a nation. Her life is a testimony to the power of conviction and the belief in one’s cause. Joan of Arc did not just fight for French independence; she fought for a vision inspired by her faith, which continues to inspire millions around the globe. Today, she is remembered not only as a military leader but as a symbol of courage and a patron saint of soldiers and those who fight for just causes. Her story underscores the belief that with enough conviction, anyone, regardless of their origins, can alter the course of history.

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Joan of Arc: The Remarkable Story of a Medieval Peasant Girl Who Changed History. (2024, May 12). Retrieved from