How did the Cold War Affect the World Today

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This project is going to be about the Cold War affect at that time and today. The author-topic happened in the United States and the Soviet Union and during the mid of the 40’s to late 80’s. The author argument about a political and economic struggle between the two superpowers, we can describe it as militarism. This topic is essential to the United States Because the United States emerged as the sole superpower in the world and, capitalism beat communism. In my opinion, Cold War had a negative impact on the relationship between the United States and Russia today, and to understand my topic, I will analyze it before it was important, when it became important and how it impacts America today.

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First, I will look at what was happening with Cold War before it was essential to the United States. Before it starts, the Soviet Union was getting more controlling in east Europe after World War II, and it begins with Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria. A quote that I can use to support my thinking is by Britannica in the Encyclopedia which is called the Cold War. in the source, it says, The Americans and the British feared the permanent Soviet domination of eastern Europe and the threat of Soviet-influenced communist parties coming to power in the democracies of western Europe. (Britannica 2018). This source was written to inform the people who are reading that source to know what happened before the Cold War. The perspective of this source is to tell the people that they want to know what led to the Cold War and how did it start. This source Can Support my argument that Cold War had a negative impact on the relationship between the United States of America and the Soviet Union because the Cold War started in fears, the fear from the war between the superpower and their allies, there are some fears until this moment because Russia starts dominating over the world. Overall, the Cold War is essential to understand the background of and what is related to it because at that time both powers start to build up nuclear weapons and to try to get the most significant number of soldiers and some types of equipment to show how they are strong, the world was worried of this.

Second, the researcher will look at what happened with the Cold War when it became essential to the United States. The Cold War was important because the United States had sent the first United States military aid along with troops against the Soviet Union in North Korea. A quote I can use to support my thinking is by ABC-CLIO in the document which is called World War II and the Cold War Era, 1939-1960. In the source, it says, The United States agrees to send $300 million in military aid to South Korea on December 10th, and the Soviet Union withdraws its forces from North Korea on December 31st. (ABC-CLIO 2018) This source was written to inform the people who are looking for what happened during the Cold War. The perspective of this source is to show that the United States was trying to beat communist in several ways. This source supports my arguments that the Cold War had a negative impact on the relationship between the United States of America and the Soviet Union at that time because the United States was trying in several ways to destroy communism around the world. Overall, the Cold War has had an impact on America at that time because they were building up their militaries at the same time they beat the communism.

Finally, it is important to understand the Cold War and its impact today because Russia in some ways is getting better and they do not like the idea that the United States as the world leader, Russia becoming bolder. A quote I can use that can support my thinking is by Joseph Camilleri in the article which is called Opinion: The U.S., Russia and China – ego, mistrust, and nationalism. In the source, it says In Russia and China, the U.S. faces two centers of superpower countries that are no longer willing to comply with United States interests and priorities. (Camilleri 2017). This source was written to inform the people who are reading the article that Russia did not like the idea of the United States is the world leader. The author wrote this source to show the audience that the United States is no longer can lead the world because after the Cold War too many countries start to grow up so fast, they were stated being so strong. This source supports my argument that the Cold War had a negative impact on the United States today because other countries are getting greater and the United States cannot do that as well. Overall, the Cold War is important to America because It moved from a bipolar world request to an extremely unipolar one with the United States in charge.

In conclusion, the Cold War had a negative impact on the United States today, and to understand my topic, I discuss what was the life before, when it became important and how it impacts America today. It is important that people know about the Cold War because the Cold war had an impact upon all the world. They were under the threat of nuclear weapons, more than 100,000 American soldiers are dead. Without understanding the Cold War, America, and the rest of the world might be under the control of the Communist party. Therefore, everyone should know about the Cold War and how it has a negative impact on the United States when it happened and today.

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How Did the Cold War Affect the World Today. (2020, Mar 08). Retrieved from