History of Post-colonial African Nationalisms

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In this essay, I will outline my interpretation of the post-colonial African nationalisms that featured as “replacement ideologies” to govern my understanding of what democracy is. I will discuss whether these ideologies oppose or complement each other.


African nationalism

African nationalism is an umbrella term and is referred to as a group of political ideologies. African nationalism was originally based on demands for self-determination and played an important role in setting the process of decolonization of Africa in motion.

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Precolonial African societies were based on communalism, and socialist and Marxist ideologies were viewed by many as a way for African nations to return to their precolonial ways of living.

The different ideologies of African Nationalism

There are five ideologies of African nationalism that featured in the post-colonial years: African socialism, populism, scientific socialism, state capitalism, and African nationalism. These ideologies emerged during the post-colonial years in Africa. The notions of democracy were overshadowed by these ideologies, favoring a more autocratic rule, with the elite or aristocracy as a strong supporter. The purpose of these ideologies was to eliminate traces of colonialism and gain independence for the African continent.

African socialism

African socialism can be described as independent, which means that the country aims to be built on Marxist principles. In this ideology, tradition is of paramount importance, and it aims to combine traditions with modern aspects, such as technology and production, while still following the path of non-capitalism in the process. The nationalization of privately owned capital will fall under the control of the state, as well as the marketing distributions, monopolies, and goods sold from state shops.

African Nationalism

African nationalism is seen as anti-imperialistic, meaning that the country is independent of any Western influence or rule. The main purpose of this ideology is to restructure the economy to benefit or serve Africans. However, the state is in control of nation-building projects and remains opposed to tribalism, which discourages sub-national identities. African nationalism is therefore seen as a cultural form that focuses on its nation, attempting to alter cultural differences in order to make people see themselves as one nation.


Populism ensures that people gain more power in political movements. This ideology guarantees that people can initiate economic movements, such as democratic and authoritarian movements. Populism seeks legitimacy in a country, which is why anti-corruption drives are established, along with various military revolutions. Populism can be interpreted as a political approach. It attempts to appeal to ordinary people whose political concerns are overlooked by traditional power groups, in order to strengthen the party’s own authority and control.

State capitalism

State capitalism is identified as a political system that empowers the state, resulting in state control over the production of the state’s resources, such as capital. One characteristic of state capitalism is competition. This plays an important role in the economy’s growth due to an increase in monopolies, as entrepreneurs become part of the public sector. I interpret state capitalism as an organization controlled by the state, implying that the state also controls economic activities in the country.

Scientific socialism

Scientific socialism is associated with Marxist principles. The main principle of Marxism is to raise awareness in society about their exploitation by the managerial class. This aims to place the people in a position to overthrow their oppressors and create a new type of society for future developments.


Post-colonial African nationalisms played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of African nations and their understanding of democracy. While each ideology had its unique characteristics, their impact on democratic practices varied significantly. By understanding the nuances of these ideologies, we can gain insights into the complex relationship between nationalism and democracy in the African context. The study of these ideologies is essential for comprehending the challenges and opportunities faced by African nations in their pursuit of governance and self-determination.

Reference list

  1. Shillington, Kevin. History of Africa. London, England: Red Globe Press, 2019.
  2. Van Eeden, Elize. Hist213: Reflections on Africa (& South Africa). Potchefstroom: North-West University, May 18, 2020.
  3. Rotberg, Robert I. “African Nationalism: Concept or Confusion?” The Journal of Modern African Studies 4, no. 1 (1966): 33-46. Accessed May 18, 2020. www.jstor.org/stable/159414.
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History of Post-colonial African Nationalisms. (2023, Aug 05). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/history-of-post-colonial-african-nationalisms/