Gladwell Outliers, Privilege Video, Intersectional Feminism

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Race, gender, and conversation are controversial issues among most Americans, especially Blacks. For instance, the “Safe Space to Brave Space” article calls for freedom of speech. Comparatively, Chapter 3 of Gladwell presents a story about Christopher Langan which focuses on geniuses; children possessing innate genius, yet racism, conversation issues, and poverty caused Langan’s misery. This concept is therefore incongruent with the privilege video’s details where backgrounds tremendously influence people’s social and economic welfare. The “Safe Space to Brave Space” article is a call to create a safe place in classes and other academic forums for the sake of social justice in education.

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However, Kimberlé emphasizes that it is vital for people to be firm and courageous to fight for their rights and freedom, without the fallacies that criticize their race, gender, and speech. Kimberlé’s intersectional feminism interview confirms that her conversation was not hindered by her gender or race. Instead, she stands out to present the issues affecting women in general, but Blacks in particular, to ensure that equality is not a privilege to some but a right to all. All people have the desire for success, regardless of their race, gender or a combination of both. Gladwell confirms that Langan’s success was more than the gifts of a child prodigy and does not focus on the gender of Langan.

This is a confirmation that challenges and knowledge do not discriminate against people based on their gender. Thus, the innateness of intelligence has a tremendous influence on people’s success, based on Lewis Terman’s experiment. Unfortunately, Gladwell confirms that the link between success and intelligence has influenced American employment policies, making it a privilege to some people. Secondly, the American children who are assumed to be gifted are given the opportunity to learn due to the notion that success and intelligence are integrated. In chapter 4, Gladwell acknowledges that poverty can hinder people’s success, using Langan’s story. Despite the fact that Langan was intelligent, his success was hindered by poverty and lack of funds.

As a result, the lack of formal education – following various administrative, bureaucratic, and financial factors – affected his life and career. Aron and Clemens present American universities as institutions that are increasingly becoming isolative. Therefore, this confirms that some people are more privileged than others. Preference on the basis of race and gender is highly discouraged by Professor Kimberlé from Columbia University. According to her, intersectionality involves discrimination, especially for women across all races. Intersectionality helps people understand the effects of discrimination. A person’s background can influence their perceptions on life concepts such as fighting racism and sexual harassment in working areas.

Additionally, the professor encourages women, without fear, to fight against the things that affect them. Women’s participation is often ignored regardless of their vital contributions. They are victims of police brutality but demonstrating against the vices against women such as killing can help protect women from negative masculinity, especially from police. State stereotypes can hinder women in society, especially when Black people are viewed as a threat to security. All lives matter, including Blacks, who are vulnerable to various risks that were fought by the civil rights movement, which objects to discrimination regardless of race.

However, it is vital for people to comply with Crenshaw’s professional advice and remain strong in advocating for what they consider to be right, regardless of their femininity and background. Speech is often restricted with an aim of creating a ‘safe space’ for important discussions. The concept of safe space facilitated the women’s liberation movements that took place in the 1960s and various gay movements. Consequently, safe spaces are often perceived as a recipe for oppression. As a result, Brian and Clemens emphasize the need to transition from safe spaces to brave spaces in the pursuit of equality and justice, despite the potential difficulties in implementing such a change.

Privilege is a complex phenomenon that can be defined differently by various people in society; however, it should not be determined by gender or race. The fear of public displays of affection has affected youths due to a lack of proper conversation which might help them express their concerns. Factors such as clothing choices, physical and mental illnesses, bullying, time off for religious holidays, supportive families, medication, sexuality, education loans, books, safety for gay individuals, and racial background are essential criteria that can be used to evaluate the level of privilege among people. This conclusion is based on the Privilege Walk video and the Langan case, both of which have enabled people to understand their social privileges in comparison with their peers. All this affirms the interconnectedness of Gladwell’s Outliers, the Privilege Video, the Intersectional Feminism Video, and the Safe Space to Brave Space article in addressing matters of racism, gender, and conversation.

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Gladwell Outliers, Privilege Video, Intersectional Feminism. (2020, Feb 18). Retrieved from