Gillette Disposable Razors

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The Gillette Company, which was founded in 1901, is known for manufacturing and selling grooming products for men. The outstanding products include razors and blades primarily used for shaving. Apparently, disposable razors like Sensor 3, Sensor Simple 3, Mach 3 Sensitive, among others, are ranked as the highly purchased and used items of the company. According to, the Fusion5 Pro Glide Men’s razor is the top-ranked item. It’s important to note that Gillette Company is a subsidiary of Procter and Gamble Co, which has been in existence since 1837 and is recognized for dealing with a range of consumer goods like food, beverages, and personal care products.

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Despite Gillette disposal razors being prestigious and among the leading grooming products, its production and disposal dramatically impact the environment negatively. Thus, there is a need to strengthen their environmental policy.

Gillette’s brand image is primarily associated with men between 18 and 34 years of age who have a high income and those with prestige. Notably, these may include typical single men who are interested in seeking female counterparts and need to make an impression, as well as those who participate or are sports fans. For example, Gillette’s Fusion ProGlide brands itself as masculine and prestigious by using the slogan, “the best a man can get.” Gillette products offer a stylish feel and look after being used, which further builds one’s confidence. Despite the fact that men constitute the primary market, women are also considered when it comes to hair and skin products. Procter and Gamble Co acquired Gillette in 2005, making it the majority, or rather, the sole shareholder in the company.

Positive and Negative Externalities

Externalities usually occur when either the production or consumption of a particular product causes destruction or injury to third parties. Importantly, persons who may be categorized as third parties include family members of employees who indirectly benefit from the salaries earned through the sale of disposable razors. On the other hand, the use and discarding of Gillette disposable razors negatively impact the environment. Ultimately, the disposable razors do not decompose. They are retained in the soil, which affects its composition and, in the long run, the quality of the crops grown. Additionally, natural resources are strained due to the heating process required to make razor handles and cartridges, which comprise the disposable razor.

Impact on Environment

Due to their nature, disposable razors are always thrown away after use, finding their way into the environment. Ideally, these are made from plastics, which do not break down, implying that they will always be part of the environment and thus affecting it. Additionally, one of the processes used to make different components, like razor handles and cartridges among others, is energy-intensive and ends up placing a very high demand on the existing natural resources. Razor manufacturing, therefore, is deemed unsustainable due to the massive impact it has on the entire ecological system. More so, a great deal of energy is required to heat up the steel needed for razor blades, which is obtained from the environment. Therefore, both the manufacturing and consumption processes of disposable razors greatly affect the environment.


In a nutshell, the Gillette Company is a leading player in the grooming business, having been in existence for over a century. Mainly, their products depict masculinity and prestige and are intended to communicate a sense of style, as well as a sense of sex appeal, primarily to female companions. Consequently, the brand focuses not only on having a reputation for high-quality products but also on providing value for money.

Furthermore, having identified a gap in regards to women’s products, the focus has shifted towards manufacturing women’s shaving products to capture that growing market. Nevertheless, the production of some components, like cartridges, utilizes a lot of energy drawn from natural resources, which negatively affects the environment. Ultimately, there is a need for the Gillette Company to strongly implement an environmental strategy to minimize the effects its business has on the environment.










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Gillette Disposable Razors. (2019, Sep 19). Retrieved from