Foreshadowing in “The Sniper”: Literary Insights

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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So, Liam O’Flaherty’s short story “The Sniper” is a gripping tale that dives deep into the Irish Civil War. It captures the stress, fear, and moral questions that pop up during a war. The story follows a Republican sniper on a rooftop, giving us a close-up of the mental and emotional strain of battle. One cool thing O’Flaherty does is use foreshadowing. He drops hints, some small and some not-so-small, that ramp up the suspense and get us ready for the big twist at the end.

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In this essay, I’ll look at three key moments of foreshadowing in “The Sniper” and show how they push the story forward and add more depth.

Setting the Scene: A Dark and Heavy Mood

Right at the start, the story sets a dark and heavy mood. O’Flaherty says, “Dublin lay enveloped in darkness but for the dim light of the moon that shone through fleecy clouds, casting a pale light as of approaching dawn.” This paints a gloomy picture and hints that something big and possibly sad is coming. The “approaching dawn” kinda hints that something is about to change or be revealed. It’s like a heads-up that the sniper is gonna realize something huge. The mix of darkness and light shows the sniper’s inner fight and the truth he’s about to face. So, this setup not only builds tension but also hints at the sniper’s journey to a harsh realization.

A Curious Thought: Hinting at a Deeper Connection

Another big foreshadowing moment happens when the sniper deals with his enemy. After he takes out an enemy soldier and a woman informer, he gets hurt by another enemy. While he’s dealing with his wound, he gets curious about the enemy sniper he killed. O’Flaherty says, “He felt a sudden curiosity as to the identity of the enemy sniper whom he had killed.” This isn’t just a random thought; it hints that there’s a deeper connection. This curiosity sets us up for the shocking end where he finds out the enemy is his brother. This bit of foreshadowing is super important because it highlights the sad irony of civil war, where families get torn apart by politics and beliefs.

Emotional Fallout: Signals of Regret and Remorse

The third foreshadowing moment is when the sniper’s emotions hit him after the fight. Once he kills the enemy, he feels regret and disgust. O’Flaherty writes, “The sniper looked at his enemy falling and he shuddered. The lust of battle died in him. He became bitten by remorse.” This shows that the sniper is deeply affected by what he’s done. His regret and physical reaction hint at the big reveal—that the enemy was his brother. This emotional moment gets us ready for the heartbreaking end by showing the sniper’s human side and his internal struggle. The remorse he feels is a sign of the personal loss he’s about to discover, making the story even more emotional.


In the end, Liam O’Flaherty’s “The Sniper” uses foreshadowing in a smart way to build suspense and add layers to the story. Through the gloomy descriptions, the sniper’s moments of thinking, and his emotional reactions, O’Flaherty drops hints about the tragic twist. These moments not only keep us hooked but also highlight the tragic irony of civil war, especially the pain of brother fighting brother. By pointing out these hints, O’Flaherty makes the ending, though shocking, feel expected and deeply moving. “The Sniper” is a powerful reminder of the human cost of war, made even more impactful through its clever use of foreshadowing.

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Foreshadowing in "The Sniper": Literary Insights. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from