Feminism in Dracula by Bram Stoker

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Stoker’s Dracula also has many scenes whereupon the critical lens of Feminism may be used to describe situations. Mina is a woman in the Victorian Era who could be considered at the time to be your normal Victorian woman or at least the ideal Victorian woman. In chapter 6 of Dracula, it can be seen that she maintains this ideal version of the Victorian when she says “No news from Jonathan, I’m getting quite worried about him” (Stoker 62) along with the context that Jonathan has been missing for a month she could have with ease left the house and went to find a new man to be with during the time but instead stays loyal to Jonathan and also shows that she is worried about him.

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This right here confirms the traditional values and how women were back then as it shows that women are to be loyal with no exceptions.

We also see throughout the book that mina is a very intelligent and loyal woman who did only traditional women things which even proves how women or at least how society expected them to be and it’s to be more like Mina.With all this information we can compare it to the three daughters of Dracula that are seen as evil and impure by society’s expectations.These women are looked down upon for being so drastically less prudent. When the book says “I felt in my heart a burning wicked desire, that they would kiss me with those red lips” (Stoker 33) in the book it makes it look intended that these women that are challenging the norm for the normal Victorian era women that they are evil because they were tempting Harker into betraying his wife.Stoker confirms his beliefs in that women should always be following the traditional value by connecting evil to super sexualized women and we can see him making this connection with this quote because these women have the power to make men turn against their wives and destroy their families which is evil and only sexual women could do this.With the use of the feminist lens, we can see how women are portrayed during this time with the two scenes used and also Stoker’s belief on women and how confirms the traditional women and along this we can compare the two to see and find out how society treated and thought of women.

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Feminism in Dracula by Bram Stoker. (2021, Apr 16). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/feminism-in-dracula-by-bram-stoker/