Essay about what is Dyslexia

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Dyslexia is a learning disorder in reading.  It affects the areas of your brain that processes language.  It makes it difficult for people to read.  Dyslexia doesn’t affect anything else, and people with dyslexia usually have normal eyesight and intelligence.  Dyslexia mainly affects your ability to read, wright, comprehending words, and spelling.  Dyslexia is a lifelong condition.  Dyslexia doesn’t have anything to do with your vision.  It is all to do with the development of the left temporal lobe.

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Dyslexia is a disability that can run in families.  It can also be caused by premature birth.  Another cause of dyslexia is if during the pregnancy the mother was using drugs.  This includes nicotine, and alcohol.  This can alter the development of the fetus during the pregnancy and could result in dyslexia and other disabilities.

Dyslexia is hard to diagnose before a child enters school.  The reason for this is because it is a reading disability and most children don’t start reading or writing before entering school.  Some of the signs you could look for is your child learns words slowly, difficulty understanding or remembering things.  Another sign you could look for is they reverse sounds or letters.

Dyslexia is usually discovered at school age.  The symptoms show a lot more at this age.  Some of the symptoms include reading below average, difficulty completing tasks, and problems remembering sequences of things.  Another big symptom would be having problems spelling.  For teens some signs of dyslexia would be difficulty doing math, spending long periods of time on tasks including reading and writing, and trouble understanding jokes.

Dyslexia doesn’t have a specific test that diagnoses it.  Some things that are considered when trying to diagnose dyslexia is, how well your child can read and understand material.  This can be determined by having the child take a questionnaire, or other academic tests.  They also want to test for other disabilities just to make sure they aren’t contributing to the child’s ability to comprehend things.  They use vision, hearing, and brain tests to help with this.

They also want to look for the child’s medical history, along with the families medical history as well.  They will usually ask what conditions run in the family and if any other family members have learning disabilities.  They will also look at the child’s grades, and how well their reading comprehension is.  Another thing they may look at is the phonological processing.  This has to do with the sound of our language.

Some things that teachers can do to accommodate for students with dyslexia is simplifying things and not having as much reading on directions.  They can also create more hands on assignments for the class, rather than a ton of book work.  Some teachers have also created reading guides to help the student group the details together.  Another thing that they have tried is using audio and recording devices, so that the student can follow along with the tape and learn those words better.

One type of discrimination is direct discrimination.  This is when someone treats you worse than another person in a situation because of the disability you have.  There is also indirect discrimination.  This happens when a company puts certain restriction that could disqualify a person with a disability that interferes with that restriction.  There is also harassment.  This includes making somebody feel humiliated, offended, or degraded because of their disability.  Harassment also occurs if someone gets called names or sworn at because of their disability.

One of my biggest role models is Stephen Hawking.  Hawking was diagnosed with ALS in 1963.  He was then given just two years to live.  Instead of giving up and throwing everything away he went to Cambridge.  He became a researcher and was part of the royal society and the US national academy of science.  He was basically a genius.  He also became a professor at Cambridge later in his life.  I admire him a ton, because even though he knew he was going to die he kept going on and learning and helping others.  I think that we all need to be like him.  He was determined and even though he knew his life was ending soon he kept being determined.  We never know when our life will end or when we will get obstacles thrown at us, we just need to stay determined and keep working.

Kindness is one of the first things I think of when I see this question.  In my life I have been surrounded by people with disabilities and it is so humbling.  Through my experience people with disabilities are some of the nicest people.  They always show much compassion and concern.  I think that I have learned so much through them and being able to be in peer tutor.  Disabled people can also teach us how to love and how to be happy in a situation that isn’t always happy. 

They also taught me how to put things in perspective.  What I mean by this is, not worrying about small things and letting me know that things in my life could be a lot worse.  Patience is also another thing we can all learn.   People with disabilities know that everyday will be different and can’t be rushed and that they just need to be in the moment and patient.  This has helped me so much in my life.

I am so glad I could take peer tutor this tri.  It has helped me so much and I am so grateful for all the students and the teachers.  I had a complete attitude change because of this class and a greater outlook on life.  Thank you Chandi and Ali for turning my life around.  And thank you so much for making me have a class that I can look forward to and having such a great atmosphere in your classroom.

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Essay About What Is Dyslexia. (2019, Sep 26). Retrieved from