Disney Princesses and their Impact on Identity and Gender Roles

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In the late nineteen thirties, Walt Disney, the creator of the Mickey Mouse cartoons, ventured beyond his traditional animated shorts and embarked on an ambitious project that would forever change the landscape of animated films. This new venture was "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," a feature-length film based on an old fairy tale about a princess's journey to her happily ever after. This groundbreaking film was so successful that it sparked a new line of Disney films, revolutionizing the movie-making business and setting the stage for the iconic Disney Princess franchise that has enchanted audiences for generations.

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From the first Disney Princess film, "Snow White," to the latest releases, young girls have been captivated by these characters, buying everything from toys and dresses to accessories to emulate the princesses they adore.

Disney films are renowned for their family-friendly adventures, filled with humor and catchy songs. This reputation often leads parents to consider them safe for children, allowing them to watch these films unattended. However, beneath the entertaining surface lies a deeper layer of influence that parents should be aware of. While modern Disney Princess films are gradually evolving to become more inclusive and diverse, it is crucial to recognize the potential impact these films have on children's perceptions of racial identity, self-image, and traditional gender roles, particularly among young girls.

Racial Identity

For many years, Disney Princesses predominantly represented a Eurocentric ideal, with most characters being white or portrayed with lighter skin tones. This lack of diversity has had a profound impact on children of color, who struggle to see themselves reflected in these characters. The introduction of Tiana, the first Black Disney Princess, in "The Princess and the Frog," marked a significant step towards inclusivity. However, the film received mixed reviews, with some viewers expressing disappointment in Tiana's portrayal.

In Kimberly Moffitt's study, "Of Negation, Princesses, Beauty, and Work: Black Mothers Reflect on Disney’s The Princess and the Frog," mothers and daughters attended a free movie screening of the film, followed by focus group discussions. Many mothers expressed frustration and disappointment with the film, feeling embarrassed by its portrayal of Tiana. One of the main criticisms was Tiana's prolonged transformation into a frog, which many believed diminished her presence as a Black woman and a full-fledged princess. Unlike other princesses who remain human throughout their films, Tiana spends the majority of her story as a frog, leading some to perceive her as inferior to her counterparts.

When considering the most popular Disney Princesses, names like Belle, Ariel, and Cinderella often come to mind, while Tiana is rarely mentioned. This omission speaks to Disney's portrayal of her character and highlights the challenges faced by Black princesses in achieving the same level of recognition and admiration. The study revealed that audiences often associate princesshood with fair skin, long blonde hair, blue eyes, extravagant dresses, and stunning beauty, reinforcing the notion that a true princess is white and beautiful. This message can be deeply discouraging for young girls of color, who are left feeling alienated from the princesses meant to represent them.

As a Latina, I, too, experienced the longing for representation in Disney Princesses. Growing up, I admired the older princesses who were predominantly white, with features vastly different from my own. The absence of a Latina princess left me feeling disconnected and excluded from the world of princesses. Pocahontas, though not white, did not conform to the traditional princess ideal and was therefore not considered a "true" princess in my eyes. This lack of representation created a barrier, preventing me from fully embracing the princesses I admired from a distance.

The introduction of Tiana brought hope for a more inclusive portrayal of princesses, but her character was ultimately constrained by the same Eurocentric beauty standards that have long dominated the franchise. Disney's portrayal of Tiana highlights the ongoing struggle to break free from these ideals and provide meaningful representation for children of diverse backgrounds.


Disney films have long perpetuated the Eurocentric ideal of beauty, characterized by thinness, fair skin, and graceful movements. This portrayal has a significant impact on children, who absorb these messages and come to value these physical attributes as the standard of beauty. The Disney Princesses share common traits, such as small waists, large eyes, high cheekbones, small noses, clear skin, and luxurious hair, all of which contribute to the portrayal of the idealized princess beauty.

Young girls who idolize these princesses internalize these characteristics and interpret them as the female beauty standard they should aspire to. By observing the thin figures of the princesses, children learn that being thin is essential for acceptance and beauty. In her research on Disney princess films' effects on children, Sarah Coyne notes, "Studies have shown that as early as preschool, children begin to express a preference for thin body types... girls as young as 5 years old express fears of getting fat" (1911-12). This internalization of thin ideals can harm children's self-esteem, as they worry about their body image at an age when they should be carefree.

Childhood should be a time of exploration and adventure, not a period consumed by concerns about weight and appearance. Sadly, the influence of media, including Disney films, has contributed to a shift in childhood experiences, where diets, portion control, and body image anxiety take precedence. The unrealistic thin ideal portrayed by princesses is perpetuated throughout children's entertainment, from Disney Princesses to Barbie and Bratz dolls, reinforcing the preference for thinness.

As children grow into teenagers, they continue to look up to celebrities and media figures who embody this thin ideal. Magazines and online content frequently promote weight loss solutions, leading youth to engage in dangerous behaviors like eating disorders and extreme dieting to achieve the desired look. Some individuals even resort to costly surgeries to resemble the idealized figures they admired during childhood.

The Disney Princess films, while initially reflecting society's standards of feminine beauty, have perpetuated these ideals across generations. The cosmetics industry thrives on women's insecurities, with countless products and tutorials promising to help them achieve the princess beauty ideal. The emphasis on beauty in Disney Princess films is evident in the narratives, where beauty often serves as the primary reason for marriage or romantic interest. In "Snow White," the prince is enchanted by Snow White's singing voice and beauty, leading him to save her and marry her.

This focus on beauty as a central theme continues in films like "Cinderella" and "Beauty and the Beast," where the princesses' beauty draws the attention of the princes. By watching these films, young girls internalize the message that beauty is a gateway to fulfillment and happiness. In "American Hookup," Wade quotes a student preparing for a party, stating, "The goal is to look 'fuckable'" (27). This pressure to conform to beauty standards remains prevalent in college culture, where women feel compelled to attract male attention by investing significant effort into their appearance. This influence is a testament to the lasting impact of Disney Princess films on societal perceptions of beauty and gender roles.

Traditional Gender Roles

The Disney Princess films were created during a time when traditional gender roles were deeply ingrained in society. These films reinforced stereotypes of women as nurturing, submissive, and in need of rescue. While the Disney Princess franchise has evolved to reflect more modern values, remnants of these traditional gender roles persist.

The early Disney Princess films, such as "Snow White," "Cinderella," and "Sleeping Beauty," depict princesses as housewives or maids, often performing domestic tasks like sweeping and cleaning. In "Snow White," the princess assumes the dwarves lack a mother due to their messy home, reinforcing the association between women and domesticity. During the era when these films were released, women were often expected to fulfill domestic roles and were perceived as fragile and incapable of protecting themselves. In these narratives, male characters, such as princes and dwarves, rescue and protect the princesses from evil, perpetuating the notion of women as dependent on men.

The Renaissance era of Disney films introduced princesses who were more independent and adventurous, breaking away from the traditional mold of their predecessors. Characters like Ariel and Belle sought more than their simple lives and were portrayed as assertive and full of life. However, the emphasis on beauty and marriage as solutions to their problems persisted. In "The Little Mermaid," Ariel sacrifices her voice for human legs to pursue Prince Eric's attention, relying on her appearance to win his affection. Similarly, Belle in "Beauty and the Beast" falls in love with her captor and gives up her dreams to be with him.

The more recent Disney Princess films, known as the Revival Era, present a new type of princess who is independent and determined to achieve her dreams. Characters like Rapunzel in "Tangled," Merida in "Brave," and Tiana in "The Princess and the Frog" embody these qualities. Rapunzel is willing to travel with a criminal to fulfill her dream, while Merida challenges traditional gender expectations and chooses to remain single. Tiana focuses on her dream of owning a restaurant, emphasizing hard work and determination.

Despite these progressive portrayals, the Revival Era films still contain elements of traditional gender roles. Tiana, for example, works as a waitress and is depicted cleaning throughout the film, while her friend Charlotte embodies the early princess ideal of waiting for a prince. In "Brave," Merida's mother represents traditional princess values and imposes rules on her daughter. Although these films take steps toward more empowering representations, the presence of traditional gender stereotypes remains evident.

Disney Princess films introduce young girls to traditional gender roles and influence their perceptions of femininity and societal expectations. Children are perceptive and can distinguish between gender-specific traits and behaviors. They observe their favorite characters and learn what actions are socially acceptable. In a study on the influence of media on gender roles, researchers found that young girls often create stories featuring princesses that align with traditional gender norms, such as preparing meals for their princes. These narratives reflect the pervasive impact of Disney Princess films on shaping children's understanding of gender roles.


In conclusion, Disney Princess films have played a significant role in shaping cultural perceptions of racial identity, self-image, and traditional gender roles. While the franchise has made strides toward inclusivity and empowerment, there is still work to be done to overcome the limitations of Eurocentric beauty standards and traditional gender roles. By critically examining the messages conveyed in these films, we can better understand their influence on young audiences and work towards fostering a more inclusive, diverse, and empowering representation of princesses that resonates with children of all backgrounds. With continued efforts, Disney Princess films can evolve to inspire future generations, encouraging them to embrace their uniqueness and challenge societal norms, ultimately leading to a more equitable and inclusive world.

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Disney Princesses and Their Impact on Identity and Gender Roles. (2019, Jun 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/disney-princesses/