Descriptive Essay about a Person
How it works
Individuals often change the world in their unique ways. All of us are changed by someone who changed our point of view, opening our eyes to a new way of life, giving birth to a new person in us eventually. For me, that person is a dear friend who gives me something to look forward to on this damp, gloomy planet. He gave me the perfect picture of the person I would grieve the most if they died, incredible in every way.
He made me write a whole book on what people can hold. It's the most lovely person I've ever come into contact with in my whole life. This is not simply someone I look up to; this is someone I'd give everything to in life just to show off and spend time with. I don't have romantic feelings for them; I want to be with them primarily as a best friend. Someone who benefits from being on good terms with them, as they are my best friend - preferably being as good as they are. This was the first shift in my perspective. This person was pure and good enough to completely purify my soul. It took only minutes for me to be the happiest I have ever been. That absoluteness, that kind of influence, the level it has on me seems ridiculous, and it probably is, but that's relevant to the whole.
Physical and Emotional Characteristics
I know thousands of people who would give the coat off their backs to a total stranger. Yet, inside those thousands, there is only one special person who would give the cure for cancer to a stranger. We all "know" a good person, and we need people like that, but what about the special ones? Those who go out of their way to change a person’s outlook on life. The outside of a person is what we see first, so for a visual image, clothing plays a big part. She has long silver hair and is seen with little children. She barely wears shoes, will wear the same outfit for four or five days, and everyone is always on hygiene watch. Very few smiles are seen on her face; her impression gives her people skills an edge. Her voice is the final piece to the puzzle. Her voice is the voice that children love, and people are drawn to her honesty and enthusiasm for life. Her voice is sweethearted and rustic.
She is the type of person to whom you tell your life story, and she listens with her heart. She is down to earth, has no problem getting her hands dirty, and has more ambition in her tiny amount of forty-two-year-old skin than in my hundreds of years raised with prosperity. People are drawn to her everything. They meet her once and then are unwilling to forget her. She is the dynamics of a mother, sibling, and grandmother all in one tight package. As a mother, she is firm; as a grandmother, she shares her stories; and as a sibling, she shows her love and hate for another. She is love and the lack of it in every way. The person I am talking about is Carol Davis.
Memorable Moments
Zoom in on a particular moment where the person had a significant impact on you, conveying both the person's actions and your own thoughts and reactions at the time. Then conclude by briefly explaining what that moment signaled to you about the person and about life. This section can include anecdotes ranging from sitting down with the person for a coffee to spending the day with them or even an entire week, depending on the extent to which the person has influenced your thoughts and life. You might also spend some of this space discussing general qualities or truths about life you believe in that this person perhaps helped you realize. Wherever you focus your story, the emphasis should be on illustrating the various ways the person has influenced you.
A moment when the individual did something significant that said a great deal about the person's character. A memorable example of something the person said that showed what an impact they have had on others. A moment when the person confirmed your view of them and your outlook on life.
Details will vary depending on the individual and the author, what the underlying message is, etc., but here are some topics that should be considered: A big moment. An example of a big impact. What the person said. How the moment was significant.
Reflecting on Personal Growth
In retrospect, I have changed considerably thanks to one person's influence. Life held new meaning after that, and I held an assortment of ideas wanting to be explored, all inspired by one person's nature. The person who changed my view on life was friendly, outgoing, kind, and patient. This person was a psychologist at a mental hospital where I underwent a yearlong practicum during my fourth year of university. His nature influenced me.
I remain in touch with the psychologist, who has since become my friend, and we regularly converse. There are still many memories of my time in the practicum that are instilled within me. One lesson I learned from working at the hospital is that life is challenging and time is priceless. We often underestimate the power of personal growth, opting for inner stillness. Inner stillness has dominated my intellectual mind since middle school, but progressively I have learned to deal with others more patiently, thus rendering me less judgmental. This is when I realized that there is no enlightening moment where an individual finds the treasure and everything is transformed; thus, I began to doubt the value of all enlightenment teachings. Eleven years later, I still work against harmful ignorance and cruelty, which satisfies me to no end. The psychological treatment process combined with inner understanding and serving others served as a personal transformation prototype for me.
When I reflect back on my time with the influential man, I am still struck by how much my perspective on life has changed. There were moments when we sat around the breakfast table, the sun peeking through the blinds, where I heard a truth that felt as real as the eggs steaming in front of me. And I wondered how I had ever thought otherwise. These were truths that made me into the woman I am today; I'm certain that some of the dreams I hold now are a reflection of the words that were said to me in those hours. It was as if someone slid a key into the right gear in my head—a small turn of metal, but enough to turn the whole course of a person's path upside down.
It was important to me to have him in the room as a quiet reminder of all these things, to be in the space of someone who believes the best in people and in life, no questions asked. Perhaps all of this would have happened anyway. I would like to think that I have a natural resilience that would lead me forward even without the help of him or any other person. I can write about such a person and not be obligated to continue a relationship with them. It is more than that; it is the conclusion that, because of them, I will never be the same. It was not just an exercise in personal reflection; it was an attempt to express the importance of human connection in shaping the changing bits and pieces of our lives. I know that this truth works for me, and I hope it is applicable to others at the college and beyond. So, perhaps a question arises: whom have you met that has changed everything?
Descriptive Essay about a Person. (2024, Dec 27). Retrieved from