Describing Work Experience: from Shyness to Leadership at KFC

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Describing Work Experience: My First Steps and Challenges at KFC

Everyone’s first job can be special, but there are a couple of reasons for this. The experience is burned in one memory, it gives you the practice you need to fulfill other positions, and it teaches you about the value of money. Of course, we do jobs around the house when we are young, like cleaning the dishes and doing laundry and etc. But we don’t get paid for doing them.

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When I was about sixteen years old, I wanted to buy nice things or nice clothes, but I did not have enough money. My parents were not the type of people to give money to me or even for work done at home. I had to find a job in order to purchase the things I wanted; my parents told me to start finding a job so I could buy my own things, and I did. My first job was at KFC; I was seventeen years old when I started working there.

And now, I’m going to talk about how I started working there and how it changed my life experience. It was a Tuesday afternoon, and I was ready to work in my first job at KFC. Being nervous and excited is something that everyone goes through on the first day of a new job. On my first day there, my manager had me working in a drive-thru with one of my team members. She was showing me how to use the drive, how it works and etc. But good thing I was not talking; I was listening on the headset. I’m a shy person that really does not talk that much or talk loud. My managers noticed that I was a shy and quiet person. But they didn’t say anything. They were motivating me to try to talk a little bit louder. So, that’s why I did. I was trying my best to talk more. And they showed me many things about how to clean the dining area and bathroom. And also show me where are the things are at. Coming home smelling like chicken was so disgusting, and my feet hurt so badly. I could not wait to jump in the shower and go right to bed.

Work Experience: From First-day Jitters to Leading the Crew at KFC

The next morning, I told my parents about my first day, how it went, and what I did. And I remember them saying, “You won’t complain when you see your check,” and I thought to myself, “Of course, I won’t.” That afternoon I went back to work with a smile on my face; I was ready to see what I was going to learn that day. And to start a new day at work. My manager decided to put me on the drive-thru again to see if I could handle it. It was my second day there working there, and I still couldn’t handle it yet. They told me, “ Don’t worry, you will get the hang of it, just try your best.” and I said, “Yes, I will try harder so that I can get the hang of it.” The managers were putting me at the front counter so I could get better at it too. As the days passed, I was getting the hang of it, and I was getting better at the drive-thru and front counter. My managers said, “Now that you’re getting good at it, I think it’s time to teach you how to pack,” and I thought to myself, “ Oh my god, pack line looks hard; I don’t know if I can do it.” They told me that it is not that hard; just keep an eye on what you are doing and make sure that you’re handing in the right order. The time flew by. I have been working at KFC for about a year now. I got promoted to crew leader. I think it’s cool because of all the hard work/effort that I have been putting into my work and myself.

Work Growth: From Shyness to Connection in the Fast Food World

Now, my managers are proud of me, that I’m a hard worker, and that I never give up on my work and school. My job changed my life because, back then, I was a shy person. And working there, my shyness went away, well not completely, but some. Now, at work, I’m an outgoing person with my team members and also with the customers. I always thought that working at a fast food would be hard and boring. But really is not; I really like working at my job. Many people say or think that fast food is not a nice place to work and that some people are rude there. I know there can be annoying customers, but you have to stick with it and be nice to them and try to fake a smile. I’ve got some rude/ annoying customers on drive-thru. For example, some customers that I always get are customers that say, “ She got my order wrong.”

Or there can be some customers in the drive-thru screaming at you for no reason. But I think it’s normal. You just have to be nice to them. But there are some customers that are so nice and polite to you that make your day. But for me, it is easy because you meet new people and also you learn something new. Also, many people assume that the coworkers or managers at a portion of fast food are really rude to you. Which I think is not because at my work, all my coworkers get along and also my managers. We are like a family in there. Like I said at the beginning of my story, “ Everyone’s first job can be special.” And that is why I think my job can be special because working there made me realize that talking to others was fun. Thanks to my job, I got my fear away of talking to everyone. But I’m still a little shy at school, but it will take time. And also, working can give you the practice you need to fulfill other positions, and it teaches you about the value of money. 


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  6. Choi, H. (2019). The Value of Hard-Earned Money: Lessons from Young Employment. Financial Literacy Journal, 12(1), 29-41.
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Describing Work Experience: From Shyness to Leadership at KFC. (2023, Aug 17). Retrieved from