Delicacies and Identity: the Symbolism in “Fish Cheeks”

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Amy Tan’s short essay “Fish Cheeks” is more than just an account of a teenage girl’s Christmas dinner. It is a profound exploration of identity, cultural clash, and the universal coming-of-age experience. Through a simple recounting of a meal, Tan captures the internal conflict faced by many adolescents, especially those who straddle two cultures. Her story, though specific in its details, touches upon a universal theme: the yearning to belong and the pain of feeling different.

The narrative of “Fish Cheeks” centers on a young Amy, who, caught in the throes of adolescence, harbors a crush on the minister’s son, Robert.

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The story’s drama unfolds when Amy’s parents invite Robert and his family over for Christmas dinner. For Amy, the evening is a disaster waiting to happen. She fears that the traditional Chinese dishes her mother has prepared will alienate her from Robert and expose her as ‘different’. The title of the essay, “Fish Cheeks”, refers to one of the dishes served during this meal, a dish that Amy finds particularly embarrassing in front of her American guests.

Amy’s trepidation about the meal is indicative of a deeper, more pervasive anxiety about her cultural identity. She is torn between her Chinese heritage and her desire to assimilate into American culture. The fish cheeks, with their connotations of strangeness and foreignness, become a symbol of her internalized shame and embarrassment about her cultural background. The nuances of the dishes served, from prawns with “legs and slimy black veins” to the “fish’s gelatinous hide”, emphasize her feelings of alienation. These vivid descriptions serve to highlight the gaping chasm Amy perceives between herself and mainstream American culture.

However, as the narrative unfolds, Tan introduces a counterpoint to Amy’s adolescent angst: her mother. While Amy is mortified by the meal, her mother is unperturbed. She serves the dishes with pride, seeing them not as sources of embarrassment but as tokens of love. This dichotomy between mother and daughter underscores the generational differences in their perceptions of identity. For Amy’s mother, the traditional Chinese dishes are a connection to her homeland, a symbol of her roots. They represent a history and a heritage that she is proud of and wants to share with her children.

The climax of the essay comes in the form of a revelation. After the dinner, Amy’s mother offers her a piece of advice that changes her perspective. She tells Amy that it is okay to want what is best in both cultures. This simple yet profound statement forces Amy to reevaluate her notions of identity. It makes her realize that she doesn’t have to choose between being Chinese and being American. She can embrace both aspects of her identity without compromising on either.

“Fish Cheeks” is a testament to the complexities of growing up, especially for those who navigate the murky waters of dual cultural identities. It speaks to the awkwardness, the embarrassment, and the pain of adolescence. But more importantly, it highlights the importance of embracing one’s roots, of understanding and accepting where one comes from. Tan’s essay serves as a reminder that our differences are not sources of shame but badges of honor. They are what make us unique, what give us character.

In conclusion, “Fish Cheeks” is not just an essay about a Christmas dinner. It is a meditation on identity, culture, and the intricacies of adolescence. Through the lens of a simple meal, Amy Tan gives readers a glimpse into the world of a young girl struggling to find her place. It is a story that resonates with anyone who has ever felt out of place, who has ever grappled with questions of identity. It reminds us that, in the end, it is our differences that make us who we are.

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Delicacies and Identity: The Symbolism in "Fish Cheeks". (2023, Oct 26). Retrieved from