Commentary on Drake’s Song Keep the Family Close

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Updated: Apr 29, 2024
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Commentary on Drake’s Song Keep the Family Close

This essay about Drake’s song “Keep the Family Close” analyzes the lyrics and their exploration of themes such as betrayal, trust, and the redefinition of family. The song, featured on his 2016 album “Views,” poignantly addresses the pain associated with disloyalty from those Drake once considered close. By using familial language, the lyrics blur the lines between biological and emotional bonds, highlighting the deep impact of these relationships. The essay discusses how Drake employs metaphors of proximity and distance to reflect emotional closeness and detachment, using personal anecdotes and specific locations to underscore his feelings of betrayal. Overall, the song is portrayed as an introspective piece that encourages listeners to reflect on the nature of loyalty and the importance of keeping true supporters close in one’s life.

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Drake’s song “Keep the Family Close,” from his 2016 album “Views,” opens with a poignant examination of betrayal and the complexities of trust within personal relationships. The lyrics of this track offer a narrative that many interpret as a reflection on the disloyalties he has experienced not just from friends, but from those he once considered as close as family. This essay explores the thematic elements of Drake’s lyrics, their emotional underpinnings, and the broader implications they hold regarding interpersonal relationships and loyalty.

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The song starts with the lines, “All of my ‘let’s just be friends’ are friends I don’t have anymore / How do you not check on me when things go wrong.” Here, Drake touches on a fundamental human experience— the pain of losing connections with people once integral to one’s life. The rhetorical question posed speaks to the feeling of abandonment in times of need, highlighting a betrayal that cuts deeply. This introduces the central theme of the song: the expectation of loyalty from those close to you and the profound hurt that ensues when those expectations are not met.

“Keep the Family Close” uses familial language to underscore the depth of the relationships Drake believed he had. By employing phrases typically reserved for blood relatives, the song blurs the lines between biological family ties and chosen emotional bonds, suggesting that the latter can sometimes feel as significant—or even more so—than the former. The chorus, “Guess I should’ve kept my family closer / Much closer,” serves as a refrain that not only emphasizes regret but also a reconsideration of who should really be considered ‘family.’

The lyrics also delve into the idea of proximity and distance as metaphors for emotional closeness and detachment. Drake sings, “You’re so predictable I hate people like you / Kennedy Road taught me not to trust people like you.” Here, Drake references specific personal experiences and places that have shaped his outlook on trust. Kennedy Road, a street in Toronto, symbolizes a pivotal point in Drake’s personal history and growth, suggesting that his past experiences there have led to a broader mistrust of those who might seem outwardly loyal but show their true colors in challenging times.

Throughout the song, the orchestral backdrop adds to the cinematic and introspective quality of the lyrics. The music complements the narrative of betrayal and loss, enhancing the emotional weight of each line and deepening the listener’s engagement with the themes. Drake’s use of a slower, more somber tone contrasts with some of his other works, providing a raw and vulnerable look into his feelings of disillusionment.

In conclusion, “Keep the Family Close” is a compelling exploration of betrayal, trust, and the reevaluation of personal relationships. Through his lyrics, Drake articulates the pain that comes with realizing that those once thought loyal can sometimes be the source of deepest hurt. The song invites listeners to reflect on their own relationships and consider the true meaning of loyalty and family. It’s a reminder that keeping one’s “family” close isn’t just about physical proximity but about nurturing and maintaining trust with those who prove themselves truly deserving of the title.

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Commentary On Drake's Song Keep The Family Close. (2024, Apr 29). Retrieved from