Cleopatra the Seventh Queen of the Nile

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Updated: Mar 14, 2023
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Arguably one of the most famous Egyptian queens, Cleopatra was a femme-fatale and a powerful women. The Egyptian queen was a very influential political leader, she used her wit and ambition to achieve many goals for her country. Although lacking in external beauty, Cleopatra’s mind was gorgeously fascinating and she became a woman known for her intelligence and appeal. She was a very influential woman, a great leader for Egypt and held a much stronger monarch than any of the Ptolemaic Dynasty.

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At age seventeen after the death of her father, Cleopatra ascended onto a shared throne with her younger brother, and forced husband, Ptolemy XIV. From the start it was clear that Cleopatra was a much more dominant leader than her co-leading brother. Ptolemy noticed her striking ambition and Cleopatra was pushed into three years in exile. Later, young and now in-love Cleopatra was reinstalled queen by her new love Caesar with the help of Roman military support. Cleopatra helped her country ataraxis and prosperity after struggling through bankruptcy, fraud and civil war. In Jun 47 B.C., Cleopatra bore Caesar’s child and named him Ptolemy XV Caesarion, however Julius Caesar had never properly accepted or acknowledged paternity. As an act to be with Cleopatra and his son, Caesar brought the pair home with him to Rome as faux prisoners of war, as he was already married to Calpurnia. However, the assassination of great Julius Caesar caused Queen Cleopatra and her child to flee back to her motherland. The Roman empire almost immediately began to divide after the death of Julius Caesar, and because of this Cleopatra’s reign was threatened. In order to save her country and throne she collaborated with Marc Antony, a old companion of Caesar, and used support from Rome. Just as Cleopatra gained total calm control on Egypt and held her throne position, she gained Marc Antony’s heart. Egypt helped Marc Antony in the battle of Actium against Octavian in 31 B.C. however both lost the war and fled. Years later, Alexandria was overtaken by Roman soldiers and rather than being taken as prisoners, Marc Antony stabbed himself and Cleopatra killed herself by a venomous snake bite, ending her rein and receiving the title as the last pharaoh.

Cleopatra has created such a huge impact on the world, forever imprinting her image as Egypt’s icon. In most film, Cleopatra is portrayed as a fair skinned, elegant and beautiful young women, however the Queen of Nile’s beauty was nowhere near external, but internal. Most Egyptians and Romans saw her as a ravishing beauty but that was mainly because of verbal action, she could easily seduce anyone with conversation; she had a sweetness to the tones of her voice. As a woman of her time, Cleopatra could speak multiple different languages, knew of geography and could speak very well in the political era. In this time period, very little women could agree with Cleopatra on her level of education. Cleopatra held herself with a lot of elegance, she dressed herself in plenty of riches, lavish material, a signature walk, and she held plenty of dinners to show her wealth. One of Cleopatra’s greatest accomplishments was a huge improvement on women’s role in society, while also riving many dynastic practices and beliefs along the way. Cleopatra expanded Egypt greatly and made it appealing to seize, she also expanded the idea of knowledge and learning, which added onto the library of Alexandria. Cleopatra had a deep love for the early days of Egypt and did quite a lot to help restore her country back to the earlier kingdom. She desired mostly revision of religion and Egyptian mythology, the queen herself was often associated with the Egyptian goddess Isis, and many people saw her as a deity rather a simple queen. Cleopatra became very successful with the restoration of religious and social structure, giving her country much wealth and expanding her social control.

However, just like many before her Cleopatra fell victim to her own pride and pushed herself past her own limits, exhausting her resources. Once Cleopatra expanded Egypt past its borders and threatened Rome’s control, Cleopatra’s power faded and so did her control. Egypt quickly became a tourist like area for Romans and anything Egyptian was seen as a vacation destination for wealthy Romans. Rome had influenced the adoption of Christianity into Egypt, finally diminishing the final remains of Egypt’s beliefs, social stance and trends.

In Cleopatra’s lavish lifetime, her accounts for Egypt never went unnoticed and she made several contributions to her country. Cleopatra proved herself a lover of her country, unafraid to fight and a independent leader in a world of dominate men. The queen used her charm and intuition to seduce two of the most powerful and important Roman political leaders for the sake of her country and become an important role model and iconic figure for Egypt. Cleopatra was seen as the last Pharaoh and made her country very successful. Truly, over time, the Egyptian queen achieved her true desire, to be immortal.

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Cleopatra the seventh Queen of the Nile. (2019, Mar 09). Retrieved from