Career Path in Photography

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Updated: Mar 14, 2023
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Photography is the art of practice and processing photographs (Rockwell). According to Salary.coms’ data, the average salary of a photographer in the United States in 2018 is $63,154 (1820). Businesses such as modeling agencies have a high demand for photographers. Photographers are also needed for big company commercials, churches, birthday parties, family photos, big events, and senior portraits. They are needed at occasions like these so that whatever is going on is caught in the moment and can always be remembered in picture form.

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To be a photographer you have to be able to be outgoing, have creativity, work under pressure, have tech skills, patience, have a good eye for details, and to work independently and in teams (AGCAS editors).

There is a photography and graphic design job listing in Society Hill, South Carolina. The company that posted the listing is Helping Other People Inc. I would move if I got the job because it pays fifteen dollars an hour and I enjoy photography and graphic design. The description of the job says I will need to work various shifts per week (allartschools) . I would be fine because I will be experiencing something new, learning, and making money. The availability of photography job openings are at an increasing rate due to technology continuously developing. Therefore, I know I will have some type of photography business as time goes on.

To be a photographer a high school diploma but preferably a bachelor’s degree is required. The local college in Sumter does not offer a photography course. However, at Greenville Tech, USC Upstate, and the University of South Carolina in Columbia all offer a photography major.

The tuition at Central Carolina, a tech school in Sumter, is $5,075 (Central Carolina Technical College). When you multiply that by two years, it would be a total of $10,150 to get an associate’s degree in arts. At Greenville Tech the tuition is $4,584 (Greenville Technical College). That means an associate’s degree in photography would be 9,168 dollars. My estimated salary as a college student would be $15,000. So, I would be able to afford college while struggling the majority of the time. Six percent of my salary will go towards my college loans for the next fifteen years.

I am interested in the photography career because I enjoy many forms of art, cameras fascinate me, and I am eager to learn so much more of what photography is about. I feel like I would be a good fit as a photographer because I am good at management and creativity. In situations where there seems like no solution I seem to always find one. My mind is very open and always ready to get on to new ideas with others as well. 

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Career Path in Photography. (2021, Oct 18). Retrieved from