Brain and Behavior Interconnections

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Brain and Behavior Interconnections

The brain, as the epicenter of neural activity, greatly influences our behavior. This essay would explore the intricate relationship between brain functions and behavior, detailing how areas like the prefrontal cortex, limbic system, and neurotransmitters play pivotal roles in emotions, decisions, habits, and personality traits. More free essay examples are accessible at PapersOwl about Anxiety topic.

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How it works

The sensory system controls the detecting, feeling, and considering. Likewise it controls development and pretty much every other body work. Hence, the sensory system has the capacity of controlling all human body capacities. The essential elements of the sensory system are that it gets and transfers data, screens and reacts to interior/outer changes and controls and facilitates all body capacities. With a solid sensory system, tangible jolts turn out to be more evident. This incorporates ranges like the change in condition, memory, and feelings.

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Neurons are nerve cells that convey messages all through the sensory system while nerve motivations convey electrical signs that are coded from the neuron. The tangible neurons convey driving forces from the sense organs to the cerebrum and spinal string while engine neurons convey motivations from the mind and spinal rope to muscles and organs.

At the point when the conditions are typical, everything runs easily with no issue. In spite of that, different variables like fear and uneasiness can influence the way the apprehensive would work. As indicated by Hansell and Damour (2008), the essential refinement amongst uneasiness and fear is that nervousness is to a more noteworthy degree an ordinary sentiment trepidation about the future though the fear is all the more a particular jolt. Both fear and anxiety are general reactions yet when these sensations are felt without a specialist mental brokenness can come about. There is no sexual orientation related when this reality illuminates that if general nervousness issue develops as the consequence of a hereditary part.

Moreover, individuals who are influenced by general anxiety issue have a tendency to “focus on saw risks, dangers, overestimate the seriousness of the apparent peril, and definitely disparage their capacity to adapt” (p. 147). These subjective portrayals can prompt cycles of stress and nervousness. Further, general uneasiness issue can, “add to a wide assortment of physical manifestations like the queasiness, dry mouth, or sweating that may keep them from seeking after or getting a charge out of the social relationship and new encounters” (p. 120).

A case of an administrative conducted, Streeten (2015) says can be inspected in connection to the sensory system and the way in which fear influences it is through it is body temperature control. The nearness of fear realizes the generation of particular hormones that cause reactions inside the body consequently prompting a flight or battle circumstance. Also, any capacity of the body is portrayed by disability. The learning of what can weaken one’s thermoregulation is a decent contributor stride to making individuals manufacture resistance system while confronting life. In the research that was done by the British Neuroscience Association (2013), the response to fear in our brains differs as per the states of the body. Also its findings indicated that the real organs interface with the cerebrum in a way that shapes and impacts body discernments, comprehension, and feelings.

Steamer (2002) showed that both anxiety and fear are cases of those conditions that influence the way the cerebrum helps in the direction of body temperature whereas the British Neuroscience Association (2013) research indicated that when one is on edge, his/her flight framework will be activated relying upon how he/she responds to the anxiety. Some restless minutes are typical, while others are most certainly not. Nonetheless, the researchers found out that when the uneasiness triggers one’s battle or flight framework, he/she is probably going to encounter genuine changes in body temperature.

As it were, anxiety and fear effectually affect body temperature. In conclusion, the brain and the human behaviors are high interrelated and majorly controlled through the nervous or the sensory system. When there exist anomalies, the respond in a manner that reflects the anomaly detected by the nervous system as the mode of copying with such changes.


  • British Neuroscience Association. (2013). How our bodies interact with our minds in response to fear and other emotions. Science Daily. Retrieved from
  • Sessler, D.I. (2008). Temperature monitoring and perioperative thermoregulation. Anesthesiology, vol.109, no. 2, pp. 318-338.
  • Streeten, D. H. P. (2015). The autonomic nervous system. Retrieved from
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Brain and Behavior Interconnections. (2019, Jun 27). Retrieved from