Boys and Girls in Separate Classes

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In elementary school, girls are slightly ahead of their peers in terms of the rate of assimilation of the material: they are more focused and diligent. Therefore, it is logical that in classes where there are only girls, you can move a little faster.

In addition, girls and boys at this age have certain features of self-esteem. If boys tend to exaggerate their achievements and abilities, girls, on the contrary, underestimate them. Separate training eliminates the need to “pull up” boys and force them to constantly be in the role of catching up.

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It also allows children not to compare themselves with others and focus solely on their own pace of work.

Motivation to learn in boys and girls often differs. Girls are more likely to work hard to get approval from the teacher. Boys, on the other hand, only show diligence when they are interested in the material.

American psychologist John Corso discovered in the late 1950s: women have better hearing, especially at the frequencies needed for speech recognition. In addition, there are many more audiences among schoolgirls, so they are disturbed by the noise that boys tend to make during lessons. And for boys, this does not prevent them from concentrating on what the teacher says.

Therefore, it is appropriate to apply different approaches to boys and girls, and to do so in a joint class is not always possible.

In addition, there are many more audiences among schoolgirls, so they are disturbed by the noise that boys tend to make during lessons. And for boys, this does not prevent them from concentrating on what the teacher says.

In joint classes, girls are often set as role models in matters of discipline. Critics of this say that the traditional school thus develops a system of values ??based on the female model of behavior.

As a result, boys imitate girls and adopt their inherent qualities: the desire to please, the lack of protest. In separate classes, boys focus only on themselves and learn to build relationships in their own way.

For example, boys ‘friendships and girls’ friendships are built differently. In the center of the boy’s friendship is a game. Those who support this game are friends. It is not customary to talk about personal or feelings between boys. And for girls, this moment, on the contrary, is very important. They need to feel an emotional kinship, to open thoughts.

Separate classes help to distinguish between learning and unscheduled communication. Boys and girls are not distracted by flirting with the opposite sex in class. As a result, concentration increases. In addition, no one in the class is afraid to ask teachers “weird” questions or make mistakes. Guys do not worry that they will be ridiculed by girls (or vice versa), and they will lose credibility in the eyes of peers.

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Boys and Girls In Separate Classes. (2021, Jul 13). Retrieved from