Being a Middle Child Benefits

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Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Being a Middle Child Benefits

This essay will discuss the unique benefits of being a middle child. It will explore how middle children often develop strong negotiation skills, independence, and adaptability due to their position in the family. The piece will examine psychological studies and anecdotal evidence regarding the character traits and advantages often associated with middle children. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Child.

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It is widely believed among parents that the middle child in the family arises the most difficulties. The middle child in the family is like a layer between two other children, when the parents look after the older, then take care of the younger. But middle children have certain advantages too.

The average child grows up among children

When the eldest child was born, he found himself in a world where everything was arranged for adults: furniture, dishes in the kitchen, rules in the family, conversations, etc.

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Parents put all the dishes and vases at a height unattainable for him. The middle child is spared all of this. The parents have already replaced all the dishes in the kitchen with plastic ones so that the child does not break them. Cartoons are constantly shown on TV. The eldest child taught the parents that this is exactly what should be done – and now the middle child has a lot of toys and constantly goes to his peers’ birthdays.

Parents learn from mistakes made with an older child

The average child doesn’t need to worry about mom yelling at him, cuddling him unnecessarily, or sleeping in the same bed with him. Parents have already made all these mistakes with the older child and learned a lesson from them. The average child can only enjoy this advantage. Is not that great?

The middle child doesn’t need to worry

Nobody is trying to force an opinion on the middle child, which is great. When grandparents come to visit, they want to see all the children. Unlike the older child, the middle child will not have to spend time with four adults who give him full attention and ask about everything. The middle child is usually not forced to wipe the spilled juice for the younger or finish off the little sister – usually the older brother or parents do it. The average child is not inclined to be capricious for any reason. If his parents do not respond to his request to cook his favorite meal for dinner, he usually does not get upset.

The middle child always has company.

The middle child grows up surrounded by siblings. This is especially useful to him in cases where he commits any offense. When there are several children in a family, parents will not be able to understand who exactly painted the wallpaper with felt-tip pens or sprinkled sugar in the kitchen. The middle child is always at the same time with his brothers – both in games and in pranks.

The middle child doesn’t need to look perfect

When there is only one child in the house, mothers always try to make him go out in perfectly clean and ironed clothes. When the second child arrives, they are less worried about their clothes being slightly wrinkled or stained.

The middle child often wears clothes and shoes for the elders. This saves the child from all the inconvenience associated with unworn shoes or collars that chafe the neck. This will be an undeniable advantage for him.

The average child experiences less parental pressure

Parents usually expect too much from their first child. Parents worry: “When will he go?”, “When will he say the first word?” and so on. The second child no longer experiences such pressure, and this is wonderful. Statistics show that the second child begins to walk and talk earlier than the older one, but the parents, due to constant hassle, usually do not notice this anymore.

The middle child has a younger brother or sister.

The first child in a family usually worries when he has a younger brother or sister, because he is already used to the fact that all the attention of others is riveted to him.

As long as the middle child is small, he is the center of attention in the family. As he grows up, the birth of a younger brother or sister does not upset him. On the contrary, it means that now there is another little person in the family who can be loved. Plus, having a brother or sister makes the middle child feel like an older person.

The middle child is easier to potty train.

It takes a lot of effort for parents to wean their first child from wearing diapers and potty training. The child does not learn this intuitively, and the best way to potty training is a good example. Therefore, for the middle child, this process is faster and easier – after all, he learns this skill by observing an older brother or sister.

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Being A Middle Child Benefits. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from