Behind the Film: Unearthing the Filming Locations of ‘Tombstone’

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Updated: Nov 17, 2023
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In the world of Western films, few have captured the imagination and admiration of audiences quite like the 1993 classic, ‘Tombstone’. Directed by George P. Cosmatos and starring a formidable cast including Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, and Sam Elliott, ‘Tombstone’ is celebrated not only for its riveting storytelling and memorable characters but also for its authentic and captivating portrayal of the Old West. A key element contributing to this authenticity is the choice of filming locations, which played a pivotal role in bringing the story of the legendary lawman Wyatt Earp to life.

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The primary setting for ‘Tombstone’ is, of course, the historic town of Tombstone in Arizona, known for the famous Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. However, while the film is set in Tombstone, the majority of the shooting did not take place in the actual town. Instead, the filmmakers sought locations that would offer a more controlled environment while still maintaining the historical accuracy and aesthetic of the late 19th century.

One of the primary filming locations was Old Tucson Studios, located just west of Tucson, Arizona. This studio, renowned for its historical Western sets, has been the filming site for numerous other Western classics. For ‘Tombstone’, Old Tucson Studios provided the perfect backdrop, with its well-preserved buildings and streets that mirror the architecture and atmosphere of the Old West. The studio’s versatility and ability to transport actors and audiences back in time made it an ideal choice for recreating Tombstone’s infamous streets and saloons.

In addition to Old Tucson Studios, Mescal, another filming site located near Tucson, played a significant role in the production. Mescal, though less known than Old Tucson, offered a more rugged and untouched landscape, which was utilized for several outdoor scenes in the film. Its vast, open terrain and traditional Western-style buildings helped in portraying the untamed spirit of the American frontier, a key element in the storytelling of ‘Tombstone’.

The filmmakers also ventured into the actual town of Tombstone, Arizona, for certain shots, to capture the essence and historical significance of the location. The town’s preserved 1880s look provided an authentic feel in some of the film’s key scenes. However, the modernization of certain aspects of the actual Tombstone meant that relying solely on the town for filming was not feasible for maintaining historical accuracy throughout the film.

Interestingly, the choice of these locations was not only about visual accuracy but also about capturing the spirit of the era. The dusty streets of Old Tucson and the rugged landscapes of Mescal contributed significantly to the film’s atmosphere, bringing an immersive realism to the portrayal of the events surrounding Wyatt Earp and his brothers. This attention to detail in location choice allowed ‘Tombstone’ to stand out as a film that truly honors the legacy of the American West.

The filming locations of ‘Tombstone’ are more than just backdrops; they are integral to the film’s storytelling. They provide a window into a bygone era, allowing the audience to step back in time and experience the grit, drama, and lawlessness of the Old West. This is a testament to the film’s production team, who understood that the setting of a film plays a crucial role in storytelling, especially in a genre as steeped in history and mythology as the Western.

In conclusion, the filming locations of ‘Tombstone’ were carefully chosen to reflect the historical period and bring authenticity to the film. From the streets of Old Tucson Studios to the open landscapes of Mescal, and the actual town of Tombstone, each location contributed to the vivid re-creation of the late 19th-century frontier life. These settings not only served the narrative but also helped preserve a piece of American history, allowing ‘Tombstone’ to resonate with audiences as a true Western classic.

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Behind the Film: Unearthing the Filming Locations of 'Tombstone'. (2023, Nov 17). Retrieved from