An Example of the Wooing-Complex in the Taming of the Shrew

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In the play "The Taming of the Shrew," William Shakespeare reveals many aspects of human nature through the various subplots within the play. This essay will explore what I like to call the "Wooing Complex." The Wooing Complex occurs when a man, or sometimes a woman, becomes infatuated with another person. Victims of this complex display symptoms of severe and involuntary goofiness and disorientation. Both of these can be seen throughout the play as three men: Gremio, a wealthy, elderly man; Hortensio, a man of Padua; and Lucentio, a young man of Pisa, woo Bianca Minola.

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The plotline starts with Lucentio, a young man who has come to Padua from Pisa for studies. He eavesdrops on a conversation between Baptista, Katharina, and Bianca Minola; Gremio; and Hortensio. He immediately falls in love with Bianca and tells his servant Tranio, "O Tranio, till I found it to be true, I never thought it possible or likely. But see! While idly I stood looking on, I found the effect of love in idleness. And now in plainness do confess to thee, that art to me as secret and as dear as Anna to the Queen of Carthage was. Tranio, I burn, I pine, I perish, Tranio, if I do not win this young modest girl. Counsel me, Tranio, for I know thou wilt." (1.1.151-162) Lucentio then devises his game plan of how he will meet Bianca to woo her. He and Tranio have a revelation as they state, "You will be schoolmaster and undertake the teaching of the maid: That's your device. It is: may it be done? Not possible; for who shall bear your part, and be in Padua here Vincentino's son? Keep house, and play his role; welcome his friends; visit his countrymen and banquet them?" (1.1.192-201) Lucentio then suggests that Tranio shall disguise himself as Lucentio, while the real Lucentio will pretend to be Cambio, a schoolteacher. Cambio gets hired by Gremio, Bianca's wealthy and elderly suitor, to tutor Bianca. But the truth is, Gremio has actually hired Cambio to convey sweet words from him to Bianca. Gremio introduces Cambio to Baptista, and Baptista hires Cambio to teach Bianca Latin.

Meanwhile, Hortensio, a gentleman of Padua who woos Bianca, disguises himself as Licio, a music teacher. Licio and his friend Petruchio, who has just arrived in Padua from Verona and is the newest and only suitor of Bianca's sister Kate, go to the Minola household in hopes of wooing Baptista's daughters. Hortensio comments on Baptista's strict marital policies: "He hath the jewel of my life in hold,/ His youngest daughter, beautiful Bianca:/ And her withhold from me, and other more,/ Suitors to her and rivals in my love" (1.2.121-124). This plan pays off and Hortensio gets hired as a music teacher for the Minola household.

Some of the schemes in this plan don't turn out as anticipated. Gremio fails to win the heart of Bianca. Instead, Bianca falls in love with, and marries, the teacher (Cambio), whom he had hired. Hortensio, too, fails to win Bianca's love. He instead settles for a widow to marry. It is only Lucentio whose plan to woo Bianca succeeds.

Through the eloquent writings of William Shakespeare, we are able to view the chaotic plot line that presents a vivid example of the "Wooing Complex." The Wooing Complex has been around for hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of years. Despite this play being over 500 years old, we can still relate to the characters and their actions today.

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An Example of the Wooing-Complex in The Taming of the Shrew. (2022, Nov 17). Retrieved from