America’s Top Halloween Celebrations: a Nationwide Tour

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Updated: Aug 21, 2023
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Every year on October 31st, the USA slips into spooky costumes to celebrate Halloween to honor the church’s saints. Locals dress up as ghosts and scary monsters, follow different traditions like trick or treat, and decorate their houses according to the theme. This time of the year is best to visit the US when the country comes together and organizes many Halloween parties for themselves and the tourists visiting. We have listed some of the country’s best places and parties to attend on Halloween.

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Village Halloween Parade

This inclusive parade is the best in the country. The Village Halloween Parade is an annual parade organized on the streets of Greenwich Village in Manhattan, and the parade is a hit every year. Along with the final parade, the preparations are also fun to watch. Artists practice their performances, build their props, and so much is happening simultaneously. They use puppets, skeletons, and spooky stuff to make the event as scary as possible. Make American Airlines Booking and have fun getting the best stays and flights.

West Hollywood Carnival

West Hollywood Cravinal is the most prominent street Halloween party in the country. Live music, A-listed celebrities, and over half a million people come to Santa Monica Boulevard. Visiting this party will be the most significant hit of your vacation. You might encounter some of the most famous Hollywood celebrities and catch their live shows. Moreover, the best part is that the carnival is free of cost, meaning there is no entry fee for the most significant event in the country.

Festival of the Dead 

As scary as the name sounds, this festival attracts many people. It is organized every year for the people and by the people of the US. People of Massachusetts take part in the Festival of the Dead to pay special tribute to the town’s history. The preparations, parties, and excitement are going on for the entire month of Halloween in the city. The Grand Parade starts the fun early in the month and is one of the biggest parades in the US.

Wynwood Fear Factory

They were inspired by Washington Irvingâ’s story of 1820, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow; the residents of the US organize a vast Halloween celebration at the place where the headless horse riders were born. This celebration is entirely different from any other Halloween party in the country. The festival begins in the first week of the month. Wherever you visit the city, you enjoy live music, spooky decor, street fairs., and much more. Must-visit places include a tour inside Jay Ghoulâ’s House of Curiosity and the graveyard, which houses the crypt of vampire Barnabas Collins.

Once, the locals now use a Cola Factory to organize another vast Halloween party. The entire place is decorated with cutouts of pumpkins, bones, and other ghostly props. Over the years, the Wynwood Fear Factory has become one of the best indoor Halloween parties. Many huge personalities, including Wiz Khalifa and DJ Snake, perform live at the parties.

Sea Witch Festival

If you want to experience another form of Halloween, the Sea Witch festival has a different theme than any other party in the country. As the name suggests, this Halloween party theme is sea and sea creatures and is organized by Rehoboth Beach in Delaware. This party has many interactive activities and games for the people attending, such as guessing the weight of a pumpkin, seed spitting, and many more. By the end of the day, people gather around a bonfire and tell scary Halloween stories.

Haunted Fest

There is a different Halloween party for EDM fans organized by Columbus. DJs like DJ Parker and Hardwell perform here all night and entertain a crowd of around 800 people with their electrifying music. The entry fee for this energetic event is around INR 5K. However, visiting the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus to attend these parties is worth all your money.

Halloween Harvest Festival

For a fun Halloween night with your kids at a party that fits your budget, head to the Halloween Harvest Festival in Downtown Arcadia, North 1st Avenue in California. Many fun games, rides, and competitions happen here for adults and kids. Costumes parties, ferry rides, and pint rides make the festival happening and exciting. The entry fee for this party is just INR 350.

Marquee NYC

There is no better place in the US than NYC when organizing the best parties. Marquee is one of the most exciting clubs in New York City. It has been holding some of the best Halloween parties for several years. Locals arrange Live music, incredible drinks, and famous artists’ performances for the people visiting the club on Halloween. You can dance and have fun till the sun comes up and you decide to head home.

Halloween is widely famous but is not celebrated in many countries. To enjoy the best of the festive season, head to the American Airlines book flight option on their website and make your reservations for Halloween in advance to get cheaper tickets and hotel bookings.


  1. Smith, J. (2019). Halloween in America: Traditions and Celebrations. Spooky Publications.
  2. Johnson, K., & Lee, R. (2018). Halloween Around the World. Global Traditions Press.
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America's Top Halloween Celebrations: A Nationwide Tour. (2023, Aug 20). Retrieved from