American Sniper: Autobiography of a U.S Navy Seal, Chris Kyle

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Updated: Apr 03, 2023
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American Sniper follows an autobiography of a U.S Navy Seal, Chris Kyle (actor Bradley Cooper), who takes on his mission role in protecting his country and becomes one of the most lethal snipers in American history. Chris serves 4 tours of duty in Iraq. Despite fighting for his country, he is also a great father and husband to his family back in states. However, when he returns home, he finds that he can't leave the war behind. He learns to deal with his own PTSD by helping other soldiers deal with theirs.

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Clint Eastwood is the director of this film with the help of Jason Hall whom wrote American Sniper. American Sniper is a high accomplishment for Clint Eastwood. One redeeming quality of this film is its cinematography or other words the art of making the motion pictures. Tom Stern was in charge of the outstand and realistic cinematography. Everything in this film is seen clearly, and the film's cinematography has a polished look to it which makes all the events in American Sniper really stand out and visible to the audience. The cinematography also creates a washed- out green tinted look that enhances the harshness of the Middle Eastern setting, which while in war was where most of the majority of the film takes place.

Not only was the cinematography a redeeming quality but also the acting. Bradley Cooper who plays Chris Kyle makes his role as an actor very convincing. Bradley Cooper fits the role as Chris Kyle perfectly, not only because of his muscular figure that could symbolizes Chris Kyle in real life but also his personality. He portrays Chris Kyle as a hardworking Texas man who serves his country with diligence. Bradley Coopers acting is phenomenal. He shows anger, frustration, dedication and determination as he acts as Chris Kyle. He shows all emotions and makes it believable.

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American Sniper: Autobiography of a U.S Navy Seal, Chris Kyle. (2019, Aug 18). Retrieved from