A Fresh Look at “Tangerine”: a Book Review

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Updated: Mar 18, 2024
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A Fresh Look at “Tangerine”: a Book Review

This essay about “Tangerine” by Edward Bloor explores the novel’s deep narrative, focusing on young Paul Fisher’s journey of self-discovery and bravery in Tangerine County, Florida. It highlights the central themes of vision, both literal and metaphorical, as Paul, despite his visual impairment, sees the world and its injustices more clearly than those around him. The story intertwines personal growth with social commentary on issues like exploitation and environmental damage, using Paul’s experiences and relationships, especially with his soccer team, to address these themes. The essay emphasizes the novel’s exploration of courage, as Paul confronts his fears and the toxic dynamics within his family, particularly with his brother, Erik. It presents “Tangerine” as a significant work in young adult literature that not only captures the essence of adolescence but also engages with broader societal issues, offering readers insights into resilience, truth, and the human spirit.

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Edward Bloor’s literary work “Tangerine” manifests as a captivating narrative exploring the intricate interplay of familial relations, the pursuit of self-identity, and the valor essential in self-assertion. Set amidst the backdrop of Tangerine County, Florida, the storyline chronicles the odyssey of juvenile protagonist Paul Fisher as he traverses the labyrinthine passages of middle school existence, concurrently contending with the obscured past and disconcerting realities that shadow his present.

At its nucleus, “Tangerine” transcends the commonplace narrative of adolescent tumult; it emerges as a profound exploration of the dichotomous themes of vision and blindness, be it literal or metaphorical.

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Paul, grappling with visual impairment since early childhood, harbors an innate perspicacity, enabling him to discern truths concealed from others, notably the pernicious dynamics pervading his relationship with elder sibling, Erik.

The narrative adeptly interweaves Paul’s personal odyssey with broader societal and environmental quandaries afflicting the Tangerine County milieu. From the exploitation of migrant laborers to the environmental catastrophe resultant from unchecked suburban expansion, Bloor utilizes Paul’s saga as a conduit to spotlight systemic injustices. It is through Paul’s interactions with newfound comrades in the Tangerine Middle School soccer team, many hailing from marginalized strata, that he begins to discover his voice and affirm his identity.

One of the narrative’s most compelling facets lies in its scrutiny of the notion of fortitude. Paul’s resolve to confront his apprehensions, challenge his sibling, and ultimately embrace the veracity of his own history constitutes a momentous display of valor. This motif resonates profoundly, proffering a testament to empowerment and the imperative of confronting internal demons with unwavering resolve.

In summation, “Tangerine” emerges as a multifaceted opus encapsulating the essence of adolescence while concurrently addressing broader societal quandaries. Edward Bloor’s adept fusion of intricate themes with an engaging narrative renders this opus a noteworthy contribution to the realm of young adult literature. Through Paul’s odyssey, readers are impelled to contemplate the true essence of clarity and the exigency of self-assertion in a world rife with obfuscation. “Tangerine” transcends the boundaries of a mere juvenile tale; it stands as a testament to resilience, the sanctity of truth, and the indomitable resilience of the human spirit.

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A Fresh Look at "Tangerine": A Book Review. (2024, Mar 18). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-fresh-look-at-tangerine-a-book-review/