A Career in Neonatology Nurse Practitioner

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How To Prepare For a Career in Neonatology Nurse Practitioner

In today's society many are pursuing medical field as their dream career. Mainly because medical field receives high salary and because they love helping others in need. However, not a lot of people realize who they will be caring for, and what educations are required for this career. In this case, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner are an advanced nurses who care for premature and sick infants in neonatal intensive care units; will also encounter with surgical needs.

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These patients can be located in emergency rooms, delivery rooms, or specialty clinics.

The education required in this field are earning a Bachelors of Science in Nursing and passing the registered nurse License exam, two years of experience in a hospital and earn a masters degree, and earning a neonatal nurse practitioner certification and Continuing education to pursue Ph.D.Step one, to become an neonatal nurse practitioner one must complete a four years of bachelors of science in nursing. The course involves nutrition, pathophysiology, health assessment, and maternity issues. Nursing students may use clinical experiences to obtain background knowledge when working with younger patients.

Additionally, students can make use of these courses in developing communication skills with patients, parents, and other workers. Communication in this field is urgent, in order to collect data for a successful and effective care for a patient. After, taking the bachelors courses, graduates must pass the national council licensure examination for registered nurses test to completing the degree required for bachelors. Step two, having an experienced of two years in a hospital is a requirement in order to work in the neonatal intensive care unit. Experiencing in hospitals before working with actual infants are important. Nurses during the two years of experience, will be taught the right way on how to handle patients and they can examine what they tools, medications, care, etc. nurses use in order to perform an effective care for an individual.

After, experiencing two years of practice and experience in the hospital nurses will able to move on forward in working in a facility that lets them work with infants. Also, neonatal nurse practitioners must complete two years of master of science in nursing. Within the course it will cover neonatal physiology, pain management, and pharmacology. In order for students to understand why certain things happen to an individual. Step three, after completing masters degree in neonatology, an individual can obtain a neonatology nurse practitioner certificate. After, completing a masters degree in neonatology an individual must take a national certification corporation test in order to examine their knowledge about advanced nursing skills, and to recognize whether or not an individual knows the regulations for neonatal nurse practitioners work.

Also, since an individual has earned his or her masters degree, they can consider pursuing more goals to becoming a doctorate in neonatology filed. Since, they are already experiencing methods in the process, while working as neonatal nurse practitioners.

In conclusion, to qualify as an neonatology nurse practitioner, an individual must complete a bachelors of science, pass the national council licensure examination for registered nurses, experience two years of practice in hospital, complete two years of master degree in neonatology, take an national certification corporation test, and aim to receive a doctorate in neonatology. Having all these education is important in order to be successful in taking care of other lives, especially that this field focuses on infants. Infants are one of the most complicated patients, because you will never know what kind of pain they are feeling, etc. and that is why they are monitored every two hours to make sure they are regulating normal.

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A Career in Neonatology Nurse Practitioner. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-career-in-neonatology-nurse-practitioner/