What is the Theme of the Scarlet Ibis: Exploring the Duality

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What is the Theme of the Scarlet Ibis: Exploring the Duality

This essay will analyze the theme of “The Scarlet Ibis.” It will explore the duality of love and pride, and how these emotions drive the narrative, leading to the tragic conclusion, and the story’s reflection on the complexities of brotherly relationships. More free essay examples are accessible at PapersOwl about Fiction.

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“Pride happens to be an existing wonderful terrible thing, an existing seed that bears two vines, life as well as death.” said James Hurst in one of his well-known short stories, “The Scarlet Ibis.” during the same time that readers, we have the ability tell by the quote that the theme that belongs to this short story happens to be the duality that belongs to pride. There isn’t only an existing crucial literary device inside of this story, with the exception of the symbolism that happens to be also essential.

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The prominent symbolism between the scarlet ibis and the doodle happens to be death, bad luck, and traveling.


Symbolism of Death

Death happens to belong to the most critical source that belongs to symbolism in the story. Inside “The Scarlet Ibis,” James Hurst talks about death quite an existing few times. That is going to belong to the example, “Even death did not mar its grace, that is going to belong to it lay on top of the earth such as an existing broken vase that belongs to red flowers, as well as we stood around it, awed by its exotic beauty.” the death, as well as the color that belongs to the bird, represent doodle as well as how he happened to be alone, just such as this bird happened to be alone as well as far that was my home.

Symbolism of Bad Luck

At the same time that readers, this could be very eye-opening, just like the following ‘“Doodle! Doodle!’ I cried, shaking him, with the exception of there happened to be no answer, with the exception of the ropy rain. He lay very awkwardly, with his head thrown far back, making his vermilion neck appear unusually long as well as slim. His little legs bent sharply at the knees had never seemed so fragile, so thin.” the weird thing about this quote happens to be that both the bird as well as boy die alone as well as a way that was by their families.

At the same time, readers who have read this book happen to be able to testify that most that belong to the story happens to be based on top of luck; inside of this case, it happens to exist as bad luck. Every single one starts at the time when Doodle happens to be born, “a tiny body which happened to be red as well as shriveled such as an existing old man. Everybody thought he happened to be going to die.” during the same time that readers, we have the ability see how there happens to be an existing sign that somewhere, this kid could die. This happened to be such as the bird at the time when it died. Also, the red color that belongs to the skin symbolizes death. Then, later on, on top of the inside of the story, we learn that Aunt nicely states that ‘“dead birds happen to be bad luck,’” as well as during the same time that an existing reader has the ability to throw you off ‘“especially red dead birds.’” The death that belongs to the bird symbolizes that somebody else’s death happens to be coming inside of the near future as well as that somebody just happened to exist as a doodle.


Travel happens to be an existing, pretty essential part that belongs to this short story, even though it may not have an existing lot to back that up. Whenever the scarlet ibis falls that was by the tree, Daddy says, ‘“A scarlet ibis! How many miles it traveled to die such as this, inside of our yard, beneath the bleeding tree.’” At the same time, readers have the ability to see this quote relating to every single one of the work doodle dead just to die under an existing tree, just as the bird did.


  1. Hurst, James. “The Scarlet Ibis.” 2020
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What Is the Theme of the Scarlet Ibis: Exploring the Duality. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/what-is-the-theme-of-the-scarlet-ibis-exploring-the-duality/