The Uncontrollable Factors of Life in William Shakespeares Hamlet and Toni Morrisons Song of Solomon

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According to Hamlet, Shakespeare suggests that an individual does not have complete freedom in his/her life. The character Hamlet, created by Shakespeare, is the Prince of Denmark. Born a prince, Hamlet has little control over his life. Through the use of imagery, allusions, and allegories, Shakespeare indicates that when one is born into royalty, many things have already been decided for them, and they are often unable to do as they please. Besides Hamlet’s status, Shakespeare incorporates various other elements that influence Hamlet’s life without his control, such as his environment, certain events that happen to him, and the people around him.

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However, Shakespeare also implies that a person does have the ability to make their own decisions and enact their own actions. All of these factors, both within and beyond Hamlet’s control, shape his life course.

Hamlet, born the Prince of Denmark, has his freedom limited due to his royalty. As Laertes warned Ophelia, “…his greatness weigh’d, his will is not his own.” Hamlet couldn’t do as he wished. His life was always influenced by his status. In addition to his identity, Hamlet could not control specific events that happened to him, such as his father’s death and Gertrude’s and Claudius’ wedding soon after. These incidents also shaped his life and identity. Hamlet didn’t have the power to prevent these things from occurring. However, he had the freedom to respond to them in his own way, like when he decided to avenge his father’s murder by Claudius. This event, along with others Hamlet experienced, ultimately led to his downfall.

Hamlet’s story demonstrates that no one can have complete freedom in their life. Hamlet’s identity and his circumstances show that it’s not possible for him to have complete control over his life. He could manage his emotional responses to certain things, but he couldn’t control the events or people around him.

According to the Song of Solomon, Morrison asserts that nobody can have complete control over their life. Relationships play a significant role in this novel, and relationships between characters can limit a character’s freedom. Along with a character’s relationships, their history, identity, circumstances, and the people surrounding them may influence the course of their life. Using Southern Gothic elements and magic realism, Morrison shows how society can greatly impact a person’s life. However, individuals do have the freedom to make their own decisions and exert some control over their lives.

Being the youngest in the Dead household, Milkman has a bit more flexibility than his sisters, First Corinthians and Magdalene, called Lena. However, Milkman still doesn’t have total control over his life. His life is still influenced by those he is linked to, as well as circumstances he is involved in, such as Freddie catching his mother nursing him and thereby nicknaming him Milkman, or Hagar attempting to kill him. Milkman isn’t the only character whose freedom is limited, but also Macon Dead Jr., Guitar, Pilate, and virtually every other character in this story. Although certain unfortunate events can help shape a person’s life, the person itself would always have some effect. Pilate was born without a navel, and this detail about her has caused a lot of people to fear her. However, although she doesn’t fit in with the rest of society, she tries to help and still plays her role in the community. This shows that a person may not have complete control over his or her life, but they can always change certain things if they wish to.

The Song of Solomon shows that no person can have complete control over their life, but they do have the freedom to change the direction certain things are headed in. Any character in this novel can’t help what others think of him or how they can affect him. This novel demonstrates how society can greatly influence an individual. Nevertheless, a person can make certain decisions and handle specific situations the way they want to.

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The Uncontrollable Factors of Life in William Shakespeares Hamlet and Toni Morrisons Song of Solomon. (2022, Dec 16). Retrieved from