The Imitation Game True Story

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Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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The Imitation Game True Story

This essay will delve into the true story behind the film “The Imitation Game.” It will explore the life of Alan Turing, his pivotal role in cracking the Enigma code during World War II, and his subsequent persecution. The piece will contrast historical facts with their cinematic portrayal, highlighting the significance of Turing’s contributions. Additionally, PapersOwl presents more free essays samples linked to Film Analysis.

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The Imitation Game is a movie about the life of Alan Turing. He was known for many things, such as being a code-breaker, but he was also a computer pioneer and a British mathematician who helped the Allies to win the second World War. There are many instances that critics of the movie did not like how angry and cold Turing was to his friends.

This movie somewhat represents accuracies of Turing’s real life. It also did not represent the history of WW2 enough at times.

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Turing was depected as gay but in the movie, he does not show any homosexual tendencies that I saw. I felt bad at 1 point, because it showed how the downside of being gay during that time, what it ended up doing to Turing.

Turing was a victim of bullying in this movie, because of his quiet, and shy personalities, his classmates frequently bullied him. His friend came to the rescue when he got trapped under some floorboards at school. His friend later passed away and this put Turing in a sad, confused, state. His friends name was Christopher, which he later named his machine in memory. His machine was an example of what we have today with computer machines. Turing lived by himself and had a cold attitude towards anyone he encountered, he had a very apathetic view on the world. and was hardly concerned with what other people did or thought about him.

The Imitation Game is a great example of how people can be so resilient despite harmful, bad circumstances put upon them. He was bullied, his best friend died, and he couldn’t keep his sexuality public. He had to hide it because it was penalized during that time. This did not however stop him from being courageous and visionary. The machine he built gave him a sense of purpose and later made him a visionary of the modern-day computer machines. He had many enemies because of his smart aleck behavior. His machine helped decipher the codes of Germanys enigma machine despite being considered unbreakable. Turing is also depicted as a computer prodigy but also a man with many personal setbacks. His fast and smart thinking under a huge amount of pressure helped shorten the length the Second World War and saved many lives which could otherwise have been lost had the war continued.

The movie shows that personal attributes, like other people’s opinions should not have a huge impact on a person’s morale. If Turing had been concerned about how people looked down upon him, he might have been discouraged. His lack of care for friends did not hinder his ability to think smart about solving problems. He also appreciated his environment and showed many times that he wasn’t easy to give up and could try and achieve the impossible. was more than willing to try what others believed was impossible. His desire to think higher and differently made him understand that only he amongst his peers could crack the enigma machine codes. 

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The Imitation Game True Story. (2022, May 01). Retrieved from