The Family Curse : the Kennedy Family

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Updated: Apr 29, 2024
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The Family Curse : the Kennedy Family

This essay about the concept of a “Kennedy family curse” examines the series of tragic events that have affected one of America’s most prominent families. It explores whether these misfortunes are the result of mere coincidence, the natural risks of a high-profile public life, or something more mystical. The essay details the historical tragedies of the family, including the deaths of Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., President John F. Kennedy, and Senator Robert F. Kennedy, as well as other calamitous incidents like the Chappaquiddick accident and the plane crash that killed John F. Kennedy Jr. and his relatives. It argues that the idea of a curse is a cultural construct, a narrative framework that the public uses to make sense of the frequent tragedies befalling the Kennedy family, whose public and politically active lifestyle inherently exposes them to greater risks and public scrutiny. The notion of a curse simplifies the complex interplay of public exposure and personal tragedy, reflecting the human tendency to seek patterns in misfortune.

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The notion of a “Kennedy family curse” has permeated American culture and history since the mid-20th century, following a series of tragic events that afflicted one of the country’s most prominent political families. This essay explores the tragic elements associated with the Kennedy family, discussing whether these can be attributed to mere coincidence, the family’s high-profile public life, or indeed a so-called “curse.”

The Kennedy family, known for their significant political influence and public service, first suffered tragedy in World War II with the death of Joseph P.

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Kennedy Jr., who died in 1944 during a military operation. This event marked the beginning of a long series of misfortunes that included the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and Senator Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, both of whom were murdered in acts of political violence at the heights of their political careers.

Beyond these well-known tragedies, the Kennedy family has experienced various other calamitous events that have fueled the idea of a curse. These include the 1964 plane crash that critically injured Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the 1969 Chappaquiddick incident where a car driven by Edward Kennedy went off a bridge, resulting in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, and the 1984 overdose and death of David Kennedy, a son of Robert F. Kennedy. The list extends with the 1999 plane crash that claimed the lives of John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and her sister Lauren Bessette.

These public tragedies have led to widespread speculation and sensationalism in the media about the existence of a family curse. The notion of a curse is a compelling way to try to make sense of the continuation of misfortune befalling the Kennedy family. It ties into human nature’s tendency to find patterns and meanings in events, especially when faced with sorrow and tragedy in a family that has lived much of its life in the public eye.

However, it is also important to consider the impact of lifestyle and the inherent risks associated with the family’s prominence in American politics and society. The Kennedy family’s high-profile existence inherently exposes them to greater risks than private individuals. Their frequent travel, public appearances, and active involvement in contentious political issues increase their likelihood of experiencing unusual events. Furthermore, the pressures and scrutiny of public life can exacerbate personal struggles, such as those related to mental health or substance abuse, which have also touched the Kennedy family.

In conclusion, the tragedies that have befallen the Kennedy family are undeniably profound and have contributed to the mythos of a family curse. However, these events can also be viewed as a series of unfortunate coincidences amplified by the family’s high public profile and the risky nature of their professional and personal lives. Ultimately, the idea of a “Kennedy family curse” is a cultural construct, a narrative used to frame a series of tragic events that have affected a family prominent in American political and cultural life. This narrative serves as a poignant reminder of the vulnerabilities that exist even among those who are seemingly the most protected and elevated in society.

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The Family Curse : The Kennedy Family. (2024, Apr 29). Retrieved from