The Art of Vacationing

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Our tremendous earth is full of superb vacation destinations and tourists are becoming more aware of what the world has to give. It is astonishing to realize how many breathing taking, fascinating, and historic touring opportunities there are. Some destinations have friendly locals eager to offer a warm welcome while others are uninterested in interactions with visitors. These days’ food and travel seem to go hand in hand. Relishing in the foodie experience and learning about the culture through cuisine is an essential part of the travel adventure.

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Some locations provide an abundance of food alternatives even for those with dietary restrictions while others serve only traditional dishes native to that area. Also, when choosing a top travel location impressive scenery is a must have. Beauty is seen through various lenses and strikes us all in various ways. Maybe it is a spectacular sunset over the Atlanta Ocean or the dazzling glimmer of lights across a cityscape or possibly the charming historic streets of a prominent city.

There are endless considerations to make when choosing to explore a new place, but of Paris, Venice, and Manhattan, friendly locals, the foodie experience, and popular attractions are the best reasons for vacationing in Manhattan. Paris, France Paris is a phenomenal city that rarely disappoints, with its luxurious fashion scene, art museums, and world famous Eiffel Tower it’s what makes this city a travelers dream. Paris is known too many as the fashion capital of the world, they have redefined looks and become classic trendsetters. Strolling through the historic streets will bring you across the most exquisite boutiques.

Whether you are window shopping or sifting through the most prestigious brands your heart will flutter with joy. Parisian designers are known for producing luxury brands like Chanel, Hermes, and Louis Vuitton and only utilizing the highest quality materials. This unique French style will make any fashion lovers closet sing and would be an unforgettable souvenir. Equally important, is the Eiffel Tower. It is one of the worlds most recognized landmarks; this monument draws people from all across the world and symbolizes Paris.

The Tower has three floors and two dreamy restaurants that will not disappoint. For those couples eager to experience the romance that France is known for, dining at 58 Tour Eiffel Restaurant or the Le Jules Verne restaurant could be a once in a life time experience. Indulging in a French meal overlooking the park and cityscape, brilliant lights encompassing the night sky and exuding sophistication and charm. The Tower is as stunning from the inside as it is from the outside. Every night it lights up for five minutes on the hour until 1 AM eliminating the horizon with an unforgettable light show.

This fantastic city is also home to the Louvre Museum, another historic landmark. The main entrance door is a large contemporary pyramid made of glass. It is a show stopper and great to serve as a backdrop for photos. The art museum is the world’s largest and could take an entire day to view and fully appreciate the collections. It houses precious works like Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and Michelangelo’s Dying Slave.

Venice Italy Venice is a vibrant and intriguing city that offers travelers the sights of lavish architecture, harmonious musical symphonies, and world renowned operas. Venice is known to the world as the floating city. It is one of the world’s most unique and magical places, surrounded by canals that serve as roads for the locals. These unusual water ways give the city a rare and alluring vibe that no traveler can resist.

Gondola’s can be seen throughout the vicinity giving tourists an up close and personal look at the architectural masterpieces surrounding the area. Experiencing the extravagant and grand churches, historic palaces, landmarks like Mozart’s home, and unique bridges that embellish the canal streets are simply breathtaking. Piazza San Marco or St. Mark’s Square is the heart of Venice and is only accessible by foot or by using the waterways.

This square is located next to the remarkable St. Mark’s Basilica Cathedral which is one of the most popular and stunning cathedrals in Italy. In addition, Venice is also known for its passion in classical music. The sweet sounding performances take place every night in historic churches and conduct melodies from famous artist like Antonio Vivaldi. Orchestras can be heard and seen throughout the area nestled outdoors next to restaurants serenading the public and creating a passionate and delightful atmosphere.

These live productions send excitement throughout the area, every beat and every drum making a lasting and unforgettable impression. Lastly, Venice is also known as the opera capital of Europe. Italian opera is a superb portrayal of the arts, moving and exceptionally powerful. The acclaimed opera house Teatro La Fenice is a must see for all performing arts enthusiasts. This majestic venue has been kept in excellent condition and is reminiscent of what opera was like ages ago. The musicians play extraordinary music while the singers belt out dramatic and profound notes. These performances can come in many different forms from comedy to tragedy moving audiences to tears.

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The Art of Vacationing. (2019, Nov 06). Retrieved from