Summary of the Adolescent Novel ‘Are you there God? it’s me Margaret’

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Updated: Apr 07, 2024
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Summary of the Adolescent Novel ‘Are you there God? it’s me Margaret’

This essay about “Are You There God? Then Me, Margaret” explores the struggles of adolescence through the eyes of protagonist Margaret Simon. Set against a backdrop of family relocation and the challenges of growing up, the story into themes of identity, friendship, and faith. Margaret grapples with conflicting cultural and religious influences, while navigating the complexities of puberty and social acceptance. Judy Blume’s skillful storytelling offers readers a poignant exploration of youth and the search for belonging, making it a must-read for all ages.

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“- You There God? Then – me, Margaret” of Judas Blume – too late short story of age, that translates difficulties of youth through his eyes of protagonist, Margaret Simon. Set against a background moving of Margaret from childhood to youth, a short story investigates the themes of identity, friendships, families, and faiths. How a perfect student, substantially dug in the messes of short story and to offer all-round exposition that takes his maintenance.

A story begins with Margaret Simon, sixth grader, who leaves from New York of City to suburban New Jersey with her family.

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Without regard to her outwardly normal appearance, fight of Margaret against the enormous amount of internal fight typical from youth. Central to her trip is her search for an identity and belonging, as she translates promising locality of puberty, influence of company, and social expectations.
One of primary persons of Margaret of conflicts is her search of sense itself between a cultural and religious conflict influences. Lifted the Jewish father and Christian mother, Margaret is torn between her two identity. During a short story, she jumps with the questions of faith and spirituality, searching guidance and cleating with sovereignly. Conversations of Margaret with God serve as the resource of self-discovery and self-examination, as she trusts the deepest fears, aspirations, and uncertainty.
In addition to her spiritual trip, youth of Margaret is marked difficulties of friendship and social acceptance. She forms close obligations with the group of girls, by the way Nancy, Gretchen, and Jan, as they translate tops and lowering of high school together. However, Margaret also experiences to answer tension of influence of company and aspiration, especially, when arrives to the problems of maturity and femininity. Her friendship with Nancy is tested, when Margaret refuses fraternity, participating in a secret club devoted to the discussion of boys and menstruation, distinguishing tension between accordance and individuality.
To that, the mutual relations of Margaret with her family test substantial changes, as she inculcates youth. She jumps with her expectations of parents’ and militates, to declare her independence, while all time, searching their guidance and approval. Co-operating of Margaret with her parents, especially her mother, offer penetrating in generational divide and calls of communication for this time her lives, what yields to transformation.

During a short story, Judas Blume skilfully takes nuances to youth with honesty and sympathy. She presents Margaret how relatable and multidimensional character, whose experiments philosophize with the readers of all centuries. Blume picture of puberty, menstruation, and a sex appeal is innovative during his time, offering frank and authorising a prospect on themes often this taboo in young adult literature.
Upon completion, “- you There God? Then – me, Margaret” – sharp and too late research of youth and identity. Through the trip of Margaret, readers invited to reflect upon their own experience what grows and their find of place in the world. Judas Blume of imperious storytelling and sincere prose do this short story reading of requirement for the readers of all centuries, offering the valuable penetrating and understanding in the universal fight of youth. How a perfect student, then critically, to hug themes and notifications of this short story, as they provide invaluable lessons in sympathy, acceptance, and power of faith.

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Summary Of The Adolescent Novel 'Are You There God? It's Me Margaret'. (2024, Apr 07). Retrieved from