Romeo and Juliet Analysis: Tragedy, Fate, the Blinding Power of Family Feuds

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Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”: A Tale of Fate and Tragedy

Romeo and Juliet were narrated by William Shakespeare. This novel is a catastrophe genre. It is a grief novel penned that surrounds two adolescent lovers whose suicide eventually received their differing blood relatives. It was among Shakespeare’s common entertainments throughout his existence, and the adjacent village is one of his usual often produced plays. Some may say that their families were at fault for their self-destruction. But I believe it is fate that led them to their tragedy.

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Foreboding Fate in the Initial Passages

In the main passage, Shakespeare portends the consummation of the play and the significant job of destiny and fate in the play a couple of sweethearts end their lives. Romeo and Juliet’s relationship and passings are inescapable; their ways are bound to cross at some point and die. Their lives were entwined and anticipated in the stars. The whole plot of the play is uncovered in the preamble of the primary demonstration. From forward, the deadly midsections of these two enemies.

The Undercurrent of Destiny and Urgent Warnings

Occasionally, Romeo felt part of destiny when he got the inclination that something awful would occur, and he was unable to successfully stop it. Monk Laurence, when he was wedding Romeo and Juliet, realized that they may be upbeat now, yet this enthusiastic, wild, and taboo love planned to place moving some awful things on the off chance that they keep continuous at a similar speed. They need to back off, or like the synthetic response in explosives, everything will explode. These savage joys have brutal closures And, in their victory, pass on like fire and powder. He is revealing to them that they should set aside some effort to build up their relationship and prospective wedded.

Familial Feud and an Unfortunate Chain of Events

A deep-rooted feud between two astounding families emits carnage. A gathering of covered Montague’s hazards more clash by invading a ball. A youthful lovelorn Romeo comes in a flash in adoration by Juliet Capulet, who is expected to wed her dad’s decision, the province Paris. Romeo and Juliet close with solid judgment of the activities of the record. In the end, Romeo and Juliet’s family image accumulate around the burial chamber to observe the results of their ludicrous clash. Regardless of whether you do not accept that Romeo and Juliet might have saved themselves, you should concede that their family’s visually impaired scorn. However, generally, destiny has placed them in this unfortunate circumstance.

In any case, Romeo and Juliet were always unable to put his recommendation to utilize because not long after, everything turns out badly when Romeo is at an unlucky spot. This presents another part of destiny in the play. Happenstance and terrible planning. In the play, everything is going truly well, and it appears as though the story will end joyfully ever until Romeo murders Tybalt. Things deteriorate when Juliet gets connected with Paris, and the period shifts, destroying the arrangement. Juliet alarms after her father orchestrate her union with Paris. She rushes to Friar Laurence, who makes the arrangement where Juliet to counterfeit her passing, and they make the arrangements to do it on Thursday.

The Downward Spiral: A Sequence of Ill-Fated Events

In any case, when Lord Capulet, content with Juliet’s assent, moves the union with Wednesday. Juliet is compelled to settle on the choice to take the elixir Wednesday night rather than Thursday. Given it is a day sooner, Friar John cannot get the data to Romeo, and Romeo imagines that Juliet is dead and plans his self-destruction. Romeo goes to Juliet, takes the elixir, and a couple of moments later, Juliet awakens. On the off chance that Romeo had held up somewhat more to take the toxin, he would be there when she woke up. Events happening too soon demolished everything. Albeit, in my opinion, the family’s resentment and Romeo and Juliet are halfway answerable for Romeo and Juliet’s demises. Destiny was almost to a fault.


  1. Shakespeare, William. “Romeo and Juliet.” The Oxford Shakespeare, Oxford University Press, 2008.
  2. Levenson, Jill L. “Romeo and Juliet: A Modern Perspective.” In Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, edited by Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine, Washington Square Press New Folger Edition, 1992.
  3. Paul Werstine, Washington Square Press New Folger Edition, 1992.
  4. Wells, Stanley. “Shakespeare: A Life in Drama.” W. W. Norton & Company, 1997.
  5. Garber, Marjorie. “Shakespeare After All.” Anchor, 2004.
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Romeo and Juliet Analysis: Tragedy, Fate, the Blinding Power of Family Feuds. (2023, Jun 22). Retrieved from