Rex Reason: a Star Actor of the Silver Screen’s Golden Age

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Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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Rex Reason, a name that may not be as familiar as some of his contemporaries, but one that nonetheless holds a special place in the pantheon of classic Hollywood cinema. Born in 1928, Reason’s career in the entertainment industry spanned over two decades, during which he became known for his distinctive deep voice and commanding screen presence. This essay delves into the life and career of Rex Reason, exploring his roles, contributions to cinema, and his legacy in the Golden Age of Hollywood.

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Reason’s journey into acting began in the early 1950s, following his service in World War II and education at UCLA. He debuted on the Broadway stage before making his way to television and film. It was in the burgeoning world of television that Reason first made his mark, appearing in numerous TV series that were popular during the era. His tall stature, rugged looks, and resonant voice made him a natural for the screen, and he quickly caught the attention of major studios.

However, it was his role in the 1955 science fiction classic “This Island Earth” that solidified Reason’s place in Hollywood. In this film, he played the lead role of Dr. Cal Meacham, a character that became iconic in the sci-fi genre. “This Island Earth” was notable for its advanced special effects (for the time) and is remembered as one of the era’s most influential science fiction films. Reason’s performance, characterized by a blend of charisma and intelligence, made Dr. Meacham a memorable and enduring character in the annals of science fiction cinema.

Despite his success in “This Island Earth,” Reason never quite reached the upper echelons of Hollywood stardom. He continued to work in film and television, including a notable role in the 1956 Western film “The Rawhide Years” and the TV series “The Roaring 20’s.” His choice of roles often reflected a preference for characters with depth and complexity, and he became known for his ability to bring a sense of authenticity and seriousness to his performances.

One of the notable aspects of Reason’s career was his decision to walk away from Hollywood at the height of his career. In the mid-1960s, disenchanted with the industry and the types of roles he was being offered, Reason chose to leave acting and pursue a career in real estate and finance. This decision, though surprising to many, was reflective of his independent nature and desire for a life away from the Hollywood spotlight.

In retrospect, Rex Reason’s contribution to the film and television industry remains significant. While he may not have achieved the superstar status of some of his peers, his work, especially in “This Island Earth,” has left a lasting impact on the science fiction genre. He represents an era of Hollywood that was rich in experimentation and innovation, and his roles contributed to the diversity and richness of cinema during this time.

In conclusion, Rex Reason’s career in Hollywood, though relatively brief, was marked by memorable performances and a distinctive presence on screen. His decision to leave the industry at the peak of his career adds a fascinating layer to his story, one of an actor who chose to define success on his own terms. As a figure in the Golden Age of Hollywood, Rex Reason remains a symbol of an era characterized by glamour, innovation, and the magic of the silver screen.

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Rex Reason: A Star Actor of the Silver Screen’s Golden Age. (2023, Dec 01). Retrieved from