Report on Contemporary Technological Solutions Offered by Hearing Aid Research

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Report on Contemporary Technological Solutions Offered by Hearing Aid Research

With technological advancements, hearing aid research has been offering groundbreaking solutions for those with hearing impairments. Contemporary devices now feature noise filtering, wireless connectivity, and even AI-driven enhancements. Analyzing these developments can shed light on the potential future of audiology and the benefits for users worldwide. You can also find more related free essay samples at PapersOwl about Hearing Loss topic.

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Hearing in impaired patients relies on hearing aids to dictate their hearing. To guarantee a high quality of life, accuracy in the devices used to determine the hearing aid is essential. The process of designing a new model and unique devices is costly and time-consuming but technology is employed precisely to determine the configuration of the hearing aid device (Cooling, 2017). Since the devices rely on several specifications to deliver the quality of hearing ability that varies in different patients, technology has to be incorporated to derive the details required such as the configuration of speakers and refinements done to the vibration isolation components.

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In this report, the technological advancements that have been realized relating to the improvements of hearing aid devices will be expounded. In retrospect, the piece will feature the several sections that have been upgraded both in the devices and the machines used for diagnosis. Impact of the improved elements will be analyzed based on the efficiency reflected in the results of tests of the determination devices and the hearing aid devices.


Hearing impaired section of the population relies on the latest advancements in the relevant scientific fields which offers a better perspective and solutions to tackling arising issues. In the refinements done using contemporary technology, either individual components or new models are designed. Inclusively, technology focuses on improving the accuracy of the machines which are utilized by the hearing impaired section of the population (Dashchenko, 743). Tweaking the hearing aid device design betters the feedback that they relay to the patients. Various organizations have rooted primarily in the technology to provide a more efficient approach of handling hearing impairment issues. New models offer new solutions but are considered expensive and time-consuming rather than improving the current models.

Different organizations merge efforts and research initiatives to fasten the progress in technological advancements for hearing impairment challenges. Sharing of knowledge is also witnessed among the companies researching the hearing aid devices. Researchers are in a better position to focus on the transducers that are projected to improve the quality of sound and device. To establish an active mechanism that ventures into the latest technology to come up with practical solutions, organizations sort to the sharing of information and the latest discoveries. Improvement of the devices has a broad impact on the general purchase behavior of the patients. This piece will include the legal aspects that are essential for the seamless introduction of the products to the general population without violating the patent rights of other organizations.

New Models

Depending on the condition of the patient, the hearing aid device is set to different specifications concerning the elements such as the noise reduction features and the configuration of the speakers. Technology is at the forefront of devising new mechanisms that can be used to advance and improve the quality of life. In hearing impairment patients, new models might come at a hefty cost, but the quality offered by the improved devices have better mechanisms and functionality.

Improved Features

Hearing loss is mostly due to damaged sensory cells and advancements in research will ensure that the patients are given the most accurate reconstruction of sound (Wolstenholme, 155). The Resound Enzo 3D Hearing Aids have demonstrated the inclusion of current technological resources to improve the quality of sound. The iPhone based devices have a 3D platforms that the patients can use to create a more appealing quality of sound. The cutting-edge technology that has been included in the latest hearing aids helps the hearing impaired patients have a more quality experience and functionality of the hearing aids. The clarity and the quality of the sound are also improved in the hearing devices that have 3D platforms through the continuous exchange of information of the external environmental conditions. The features which are designed by ReSound are aimed at creating a perfect reconstruction and amplification of the sound components based on the needs of the patient. Battery longevity is a factor that undermines the quality of most hearing aids. Technology is used to cover the crucial aspect of power supply to the devices by coming up with new mechanisms. For instance, in the latest Rechargeable Beyond Z RIC hearing aid designed by Widex is laced with features that present a more lasting device. The devices are accompanied by a rechargeable kit that is used to recharge the pair of hearing aids. With the 675 batteries, the Rechargeable Beyond Z RIC enjoys a comfortable duration of twelve days. Insert Hearing Aid is a revolutionary device that has the potential to transform the field. Using biometric data to identify the user and the needs to come up with an accurate configuration of the devices gives the patients a more stable approach to enhancing their hearing capabilities. Unitron, the organization that works on the instrument, state that the device records up to 1600 biometric data points. The data points are used to determine the user and the conditions that they are subjected to. Hearing impairments that vary in different patients are calculated based on the data retrieved by the position and status of the ear canal. The noise reduction feature in this device is also improved. With a noise reduction of the 2dB signal, the sound clarity that the devices offer is essential to improving the quality of life of the patients.

The functionality of the devices is greatly enhanced by incorporating the integration of external mobile devices with the hearing aids to support Bluetooth call features. The Resound Enzo 3D Hearing Aids are designed to support iPhone feature such as call functions through Bluetooth platforms. Introducing such features increases the functionality of the devices and the manner in which the patients can employ the aids in their daily lives. The contemporary hearing aids are vital to the patients because it determines the quality of life and the ease at which the patients can be freed of the impairment by using the devices.


Impact of Technology on Design and Functionality of Hearing Aids

Hearing devices have witnessed a great transformation based on their design and the functionalities. While the latest models have better noise reduction mechanisms, the designs are still lagging regarding their cognitive abilities. The future of hearing aids is detailed by the advanced cognitive functionalities of the devices to accurately determine the user and the sensory demands that the patients have. Current devices are better designed than the first electric hearing aid in 1898. The design is not only expected to improve the functionality and the aesthetic feel of the gadgets but also give more comfortable and smaller devices that are more concealed.

Cognition and Suggestion Features Integrated With Artificial Intelligence

Cognition is an important aspect that future hearing aids will have due to projected advancements in the technology. Using Nanotechnology, hearing aids can be designed to smaller devices and include multiple functionalities. The hearing aids that will be developed in the future are expected to include the use of artificial intelligence to determine the user and their requirements (Friedenburg, 120). Artificial presents a broad scope of possibilities and functionalities that the hearing aids can have if they are integrated with artificial intelligence. In social conversations, artificial intelligence can be employed to offer suggestions in conversations. Capitalizing on the unique body elements that can be an identifier, the devices can be used for multiple functions like determining ear canal infections and other related illnesses.

Wireless Connectivity and Charging of the Hearing Aids

Current hearing aids have already been laced with wireless connectivity to support features like Bluetooth calls. In future hearing aids, the wireless connectivity can be used to retrieve diagnostics data. The data can be analyzed to discover infections and conditions in the ear region. Enabling the wireless feature in the hearing aids will improve other features likely to be introduced like artificial intelligence (Digiovanni, 15). Hearing impairment is a serious condition, and the dependency of hearing impaired patients on the hearing aids is undeniable. Having wirelessly charging devices will be influential in creating a seamless operation of the devices by the users. Quality of life is subsequently increased by the wireless charging of hearing aids.

Shortcomings of Contemporary Hearing Aids

Technology has no doubt played a significant role in defining the future and features of hearing aids. Hearing aids are however prone to damages, and the external design of the gadgets have instilled little faith in their resilience. Repairs costs render the sustainability of the devices hard for most of the patients. Maintenance issues have to be tackled to make sure the devices are more tolerant to the standard conditions of an average user. The current and future hearing aids have to take into account the comfort of the user. Cognition only takes into account the unique identifiers and properties of the users to identify them. The comfort of the user has to be prioritized for the products to achieve maximum efficiency in their usage (Burkey, 138). The high prices of the devices have been termed as a major contributor to the lower usage of the products among the appropriate patients.


To sum up, the limitations of hearing impairment lowers the quality of life and diminishes one’s ability to integrate well into the society. The hearing aid as a gadget accounts for the inability by enhancing the possible senses. It gives the patient a standard level of hearing ability. There is an improved conversational participation and comprehension through the hearing aids. The legislation concerning the patenting and the manufacturing rights of the hearing aids and the technology behind them. Scientific findings have to be acknowledged by allocating the fair share of royalties relating to the products. Companies that have ventured in creating hearing aids have to create products while accounting for all market sections in regards to their capabilities. To culminate, the efficiency and functions of the contemporary hearing aids have undergone the right transformation through technology.


Burkey, John M. Overcoming Hearing Aid Fears: The Road to Better Hearing. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press, 2003. Print.

Dashchenko, A I. Manufacturing Technologies for Machines of the Future: 21st Century Technologies. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.

Digiovanni, Jeffrey J. Hearing Aid Handbook, 2011. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.Friedenberg, Jay D. D, and Gordon W. Silverman. Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the Study of Mind. , 2011.

Internet resource. Geoffrey Cooling (2017). The Latest and Best Hearing Aids for 2017. Updated September 18th, 2017 Accessed at Wolstenholme, G E. W, and Julie Knight. Sensorineural Hearing Loss. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1970. Internet resource.

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Report on contemporary technological solutions offered by hearing aid research. (2019, Jun 28). Retrieved from