Private Ancillary Funds for Taxes

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No matter how rich you are, when the time comes for paying the taxes especially income taxes, it really hurts. There are several ways one can save his/her hard earned money through investments and charity. But, most the investments are prone to high market risks.

But, Ancillary Funds can offer you or your group of family and friends a better, safer and high return assured investment with the benefit of a tax deduction. It is also becoming a very popular way of public philanthropy.

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In recent times, the Australian sports foundation received $4.4 Billion through Ancillary Funds to help athletes and sports persons. As per law, due to the establishment of a new charitable fund, The Australian Sports Foundation has been awarded the Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status by the Federal Government. The organisations which are being funded by Public or Private Ancillary Funds need to distribute a minimum 5% of their assets every year. This will allow the organisation to distribute $550 million every year. The donors will also receive a tax deduction depending on their donations.

In some other cases you can get back your invested sum due to asset distribution but, in those cases, the distribution has to be $11,000 or 5% of total asset value or whichever is higher.

This is an example, how Ancillary Funds can benefit both the donors and receivers. If you contact AskRIGHT or visit, you will get a detailed list with expert opinion and suggestion before investing in any Public or Private Ancillary Funds. This way, you can not only save money from tax deduction also be able to claim wealth from asset distribution.

In recent times, there are two types of Ancillary Funds are allowed, Public Ancillary Funds or AF and Private Ancillary Funds or PAF, both of them have distinct guidelines to be followed by the investors or donors and trustees.

A Public Ancillary Funds is a shared philanthropic structure established by a trust deed or will for the purpose of distributions to Deductible Gift Recipients or DGRs that are not ancillary funds. A public ancillary fund is itself a DGR, which makes it eligible for income tax exemptions.

Whereas a Private Ancillary Funds is a form of a charitable trust that can be used for a well planned long-term contribution towards a particular action or purpose. It offers donors tax exemption and flexibility in their charitable donations. These differ from Public Ancillary Funds as they cannot seek or receive contributions from the public. But, like the Public Ancillary Funds, Private Ancillary Funds must have corporate trustees to manage the Funds and Trust as per law.

PAFs can give you two other advantages apart from Tax Deductions.

  • It offers the ability to keep control over which Deductible Gift Recipients will receive distributions.
  • Exemption from Income Tax from the income earned by the fund itself, which also includes capital gains from the fund.

Before investing you should check the trustee information of a PAF. As the trustees need to be a corporation or organisation, not an individual. Among the directors, there must be at least one ‘Responsible Person’ that is, an individual with a degree of responsibility to the general community, a school principal, religious practitioner, solicitor, doctor or chartered accountant can take the responsibility. That person also should not be a founder or a major donor or an associate of a founder or major donor.

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Private Ancillary Funds For Taxes. (2019, Sep 16). Retrieved from