Precedent: the Roadmap of Decision Making

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Updated: Jan 26, 2024
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Precedent: the Roadmap of Decision Making

This essay explores the concept of precedent, portraying it as the collective wisdom and established norms that guide current decisions in various facets of life, notably in the legal field. It describes how precedent serves as a judicial North Star, ensuring consistency and fairness by referring to past rulings to resolve current cases. The narrative also extends the application of precedent beyond the courtroom, recognizing its influence in business strategies, personal life decisions, and societal norms. While emphasizing the value of precedent in maintaining stability and continuity, the essay also acknowledges its dynamic nature, noting that societal evolution can prompt a reevaluation and adaptation of established precedents. Through a conversational and reflective tone, the piece paints precedent as not just a legal doctrine but a living concept that balances the wisdom of the past with the demands of the present and future. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Decision Making.

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Ever feel like you’re walking a path laid out by those who walked before you? That’s the essence of precedent. It’s like the unwritten rulebook of life, and nowhere is it more at play than in the world of law, where it acts as the North Star, guiding judges and lawyers through the murky waters of justice. But let’s break it down, shall we?

In the legal arena, think of precedent as the ultimate ‘been there, done that.

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’ It’s when a judge peeks over his glasses at a dusty old book and says, “This is how we solved it last time, folks.” It’s about consistency, ensuring that if your case looks like Joe’s from 20 years ago, you can expect a similar outcome. But it’s not just about copying and pasting old judgments. It’s about building a legacy of decisions, brick by brick, creating a fortress of justice that stands the test of time.

But here’s the kicker: precedent isn’t just a legal thing. It’s everywhere. In business, it’s the blueprint of strategies that worked like a charm. In our personal lives, it’s the advice from grandma you can’t ignore because, well, she’s seen a thing or two. It’s the collective wisdom of the past, whispering the secrets of success into the ears of the future.

However, precedent isn’t without its drama. It’s like that one old rule that everyone follows until someone bold enough shouts, “But why?” And sometimes, they’re right. Societies change, new truths emerge, and what worked yesterday might not cut it today. So, while precedent is the trusted advisor, it’s not the boss. The beauty of it lies in its dance with change, its ability to shape and be shaped, ensuring that the story of our decisions is always being written, never just read.

So, there you have it. Precedent is more than a legal term; it’s a life concept. It’s the invisible thread that weaves through our decisions, offering the wisdom of the past to the choices of the present. It’s the reminder that while we’re all authors of our own stories, sometimes the best tales are those that listen to the echoes of history.

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Precedent: The Roadmap of Decision Making. (2024, Jan 26). Retrieved from