Noah’s ‘Born a Crime’: the Outsider on the Inside

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Updated: Apr 14, 2024
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Noah’s ‘Born a Crime’: the Outsider on the Inside

This essay about Trevor Noah’s memoir, “Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood,” discusses his experiences growing up in apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa as a mixed-race child. Born in Johannesburg to a black South African mother and a white Swiss father, Noah’s birth was illegal under apartheid laws, setting the stage for a life lived in the interstices of sharply divided racial categories. The memoir reflects on how Noah navigated these divides, using humor as a tool taught by his mother to cope with and challenge the absurdities and injustices of the racial system. The essay also touches on the broader socio-economic and racial challenges that continued into the post-apartheid era, mirroring the nation’s struggle with its identity. Through personal anecdotes, Noah illustrates the complexities of fitting in when one is the perpetual outsider, offering insights into identity, race, and resilience. His narrative not only highlights his individual triumphs but also poses critical reflections on societal issues, making his story relevant to global discussions on race and justice.

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Trevor Noah’s memoir, “Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood,” offers a profound narrative about growing up in South Africa during the twilight of apartheid and the tumultuous days of freedom that followed. Born to a black South African mother and a white Swiss father in 1984, Noah’s very existence was a breach of the apartheid laws that segregated the population based on race. His memoir is not only a story of survival and resilience but also an exploration of identity in a world that constantly tries to define us in black and white.

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Noah was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, at a time when the union of his parents was punishable by five years in prison. The Immorality Act of 1927 and later the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act of 1949 were both parts of a systematically enforced policy to maintain racial separation. These laws criminalized marital and even consensual relationships between people of different races. Noah’s mother, Patricia Nombuyiselo Noah, chose to have a child with a white man despite these draconian laws, demonstrating immense courage and determination. Her decision made Noah’s birth a crime, hence the title of his book.

In his memoir, Noah navigates the complexities of his mixed heritage, coupled with his experiences of growing up under the oppressive regime of apartheid. He lived through a period where he was constantly shuffled between different worlds, not fully accepted in any. The narrative vividly portrays the internal conflict and confusion he faced while trying to forge his identity. His mother played a crucial role in his life, teaching him to use humor as a shield and a weapon against the injustices of their society. She instilled in him the confidence to confront the absurdity of the apartheid system, which often placed him as an outsider among his own people.

Noah’s anecdotes provide a window into the everyday life of a young boy who could fit in everywhere and nowhere at the same time. This paradox is at the heart of “Born a Crime.” He describes, with both wit and sadness, how he was often the invisible outsider, neither black enough for the black kids nor white enough for the white ones. Through his unique perspective, he exposes the harsh realities of racism and the arbitrary classifications that can dominate national discourse.

Beyond personal history, “Born a Crime” also serves as a critical commentary on post-apartheid South Africa. Noah discusses how the end of apartheid did not instantly dissolve the deeply ingrained prejudices and socio-economic disparities that it had created. Through his stories, we see the challenges of transition for a country riddled with historical scars. His personal journey mirrors the nation’s ongoing struggle to redefine its identity and unity in diversity.

In essence, “Born a Crime” provides more than just a recount of a comedian’s rise from a modest upbringing to stardom. It is a compelling tale of a young man who turns his precarious beginning into a narrative of triumph over adversity. Noah’s life story challenges readers to consider identity, race, and social justice, making the memoir a resonant exploration of the impact of apartheid on individual lives and on South African society at large. This exploration helps illuminate the broader conversations about race relations globally, making Noah’s story universally relatable and a powerful tool for understanding heritage and healing.

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Noah's 'Born A Crime': The Outsider On The Inside. (2024, Apr 14). Retrieved from