Interpreting Masculinity and Dominance in ‘My Last Duchess’

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Updated: Mar 18, 2024
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Interpreting Masculinity and Dominance in ‘My Last Duchess’

This essay about Robert Browning’s “My Last Duchess” explores the intricate portrayal of masculinity and dominance within the poem. It analyzes how the Duke’s narrative unveils a complex interplay of power dynamics and patriarchal ideologies, set against the backdrop of Renaissance Italy. The essay dissects the Duke’s demeanor, his obsession with control and status, and his objectification of women, revealing underlying insecurities and vulnerabilities masked by his facade of authority. Ultimately, it argues that Browning’s work challenges traditional notions of masculinity, prompting readers to reconsider the intersection of power, gender, and identity within society.

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In Robert Browning’s poetic masterpiece, “My Last Duchess,” the persona of the Duke, through his narrative, unveils a complex portrayal of masculinity and dominance entrenched within the confines of aristocratic power dynamics and patriarchal ideologies. Set against the backdrop of Renaissance Italy, the poem delves into the intricate layers of control, possession, and entitlement that characterize the Duke’s perception of masculinity and dominance.

From the outset, the Duke’s demeanor exudes an aura of authority and control, evident in his recounting of the Duchess’s perceived transgressions.

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Through his manipulation of language and subtle insinuations, the Duke establishes himself as the sole arbiter of the Duchess’s fate, wielding power over her life and death. His possessiveness over the portrait serves as a manifestation of his desire to exert dominance and maintain absolute control over the Duchess, even in death. The painting becomes a symbol of his authority, a means to perpetuate his narrative and preserve his legacy.

Furthermore, the Duke’s obsession with status and reputation underscores his understanding of masculinity as synonymous with dominance and superiority. His fixation on the Duchess’s alleged flirtatiousness and disregard for societal norms reflects his insecurities and underscores his need to assert his authority over her. In his eyes, the Duchess’s actions threaten to undermine his status and emasculate him in the eyes of society. Thus, his decision to eliminate her serves as a reaffirmation of his power and masculinity, a means to assert control and maintain his privileged position within the aristocracy.

Moreover, the Duke’s attitude towards women highlights the entrenched misogyny and objectification that underpin his understanding of masculinity and dominance. Throughout the poem, he reduces the Duchess to a mere object of his desire, devoid of agency or autonomy. His insistence on her subservience and obedience reflects a deeply ingrained belief in the inferiority of women and their role as passive recipients of male authority. In his eyes, the Duchess’s refusal to conform to his expectations constitutes a challenge to his masculinity and warrants her ultimate punishment.

However, beneath the veneer of masculinity and dominance lies a profound sense of insecurity and vulnerability, masked by the Duke’s facade of control. His need to exert power over the Duchess stems from a fear of losing his grip on authority and respectability, revealing the fragility of his masculinity in the face of perceived threats. Despite his outward displays of confidence and superiority, the Duke’s underlying anxieties betray a sense of inadequacy and fear of emasculation, driving him to extreme measures to maintain his sense of dominance.

In conclusion, “My Last Duchess” offers a nuanced exploration of masculinity and dominance within the context of patriarchal power structures and societal expectations. Through the character of the Duke, Browning exposes the insecurities and complexities that underlie traditional notions of masculinity, revealing the ways in which power and control are intertwined with issues of gender and identity. By interrogating the dynamics of power and privilege, the poem challenges readers to reconsider their understanding of masculinity and the ways in which it is constructed and perpetuated within society.

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Interpreting Masculinity and Dominance in 'My Last Duchess'. (2024, Mar 18). Retrieved from