Industrialization Represented

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Industrialization represented only one form of the radical disorientation but sense of acceleration that Europeans experienced during the year 1820-45. (The West: A New History by Grafton and bell, page:603.)

Industrialization means development in factories, from small scale to large scale and with infrastructure factories. It is a process from primary agriculture to textile manufacturing goods which have become more reasonable. It is a replacement from manual labor work to machine and technology. Before industrial revolution, Europe was a based-on agriculture and which is now changed into a modernizing country.

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In industrialization, the economic, political and social consequences of the crisis have been seen in the state like Germany, Great Britain, France and Netherland which had an increase in public debt, high level of unemployment, political instability, change in migration, but the industrial revolution brought an effective and beneficiary change in society.

Though these countries had started to improve their standard of living, better health, increase in per capita income, emerging of a middle class, a significant role of women, economic growth, political stabilization, decrease in child labor and urbanization which make them more efficient and powerful. By industrial development, a population is migrating from rural to urban areas which had a direct impact on the population. In present days, the production is done by the machine rather than human labor. By this, the work has been done more easily, fast and cheaper with less human capital, labor force and adequate use of resources.

As industrialization had developed a new power in earlier days animals were used by rational knowledge now which had been updated with transportation (railway roads, canal), mass production with the help of science and advance research. Back in days business was done to satisfy the local and family needs but, now it has been given a large platform of the market globally. During the years 1820 to 1845 human life was confusing but speeding up with the growing change of social, economic and political positive consequences which resulted in to success of industrialization in Europe.

The present low price of articles of dress naturally tempts persons to an improper fondness for show. (The West: A New History by Grafton and bell, page:605.)

The economic development during the process of industrialization was to move from agriculture-based product to technological goods and services with moving population from rural to an urban area and their standard of living. The one consequence that Germany heavily led from rural to urban trade. In the 19th century, there was a rapid increase in economic growth and GDP with the modernization of heavy industry.

On one hand, west Germany became economic miracle but on other hands, it also suffered from economic depression. But after the revolution of textile mechanization, Germany was the first to experience it. It over led the development in electro-technology and chemical at the end of the 19th century. Whereas, Belgium was considered as having rich resources for coal and iron ore and also the tradition of textile manufacturing which was also continued by Great Britain. There was an equal level of production and exchange over global in cotton textile or thread at lower level of price during 18th century which tied France and Great Britain.

With Economic factors the social effects also lead the improvement in living condition and working of families, there was an expansion in growth of an urbanization, at some point child labor was reduced, public health was taken care of it, emerging of middle class, importance and role of women was increased in society and growth in income was noticed.

Whereas it was totally different situation before the revolution, there were many countries which were overpopulated by slums with an unhygienic condition, but later on with industrialization in 19th century England shift from agrarian rural society to industrial urbanized modern society and due to migration to cities, many poor farmers were trained to new pieces of machinery and provided employment. The German government also introduced certain health programs and health insurance for certain circumstances in the 1880s for public welfare. Now children were not exploited, and women were not paid less and worked hard which created a situation of an unemployment and hunger in earlier days, which Great Britain take a step towards the prohibition in 1842 for working women and child labor which was later followed by France.

Coal is truth of, all other commodities and material source of the energy of -the universal aid-the factor in everything we do. Coal feat in possible; without it we are thrown back into the laborious poverty. (The West: A New History by Grafton and bell, page:603.)

The political effect in which government works upon policies and admirative practice to form a rule and regulation to control the nation in a particular direction. There were many political consequences in Europe like widespread the children employment, health issue, inadequate sanitation, not giving a minimum wage, which arises a problem of satisfying the needs and may result in poverty, but due to the industrial revolution there was a serious environment change took place in the coal which is universal fuel and power to factories turn into many contributions of achievement in reducing poverty and lead to the human development.

In Germany, the working-class political party was set in 1863, which control the workers association. Now in many countries trade union, government authorities were legally allowed for strikes and conflicts. Industrial action was taken in the 1830s by skilled and trained workers for having minimum wage system. The British provided working capital for payment of wages or materials. The British government also provided incentives around 1750 and 1870 for help in work. Hence, gradually employment was begun in industrial production which switches the people from the agriculture sector. Now the role of government is to regulate the industry more and protect workers.

In Europe, the industrial revolution did not happen overnight it was spread over slowly. There was an unexpected high growth in population and explosion of unskilled workers during the period of 18th century. But at the same time with efficient tools and techniques, the method of production was enhanced which resulted in a great development over Europe. It created a significant progress in manufacturing thing’s and many other inventions, which lead to a prosperity of people. Hence, this revolution shaped Europe and its different countries in a developed continental and industrialized.

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Industrialization Represented. (2019, Nov 01). Retrieved from